Powerhouse Oatmeal – A Suhoor Favorite! | SoundVision.com

Powerhouse Oatmeal – A Suhoor Favorite!

This Ramadan, prepare a suhoor meal that is both nutritious and delicious. This recipe serves about four.


1 ½ cups water

1 ½ cups oat milk

1 ½ cups blueberries

1 cup steel-cut oats 

2 tablespoons brown sugar (or more to taste)

1 tablespoon unsalted butter

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 teaspoon of powdered Madagascar vanilla

Pinch of ginger

Pinch of salt


1 Tbsp maple syrup, agave, or honey

1 cinnamon stick or more


  1. In a medium saucepan, pour in the water and oat milk. You can also use whole milk, 2%, evaporated, almond, or rice milk. They each will have a different taste. I prefer oat milk because it is lactose-free. Evaporated milk makes me nostalgic. 
  2. Add the butter and salt. If you are using salted butter, you can skip the salt if you want to make the dish low-sodium. Salt is said to add life to the taste of oats. 
  3. Add a cinnamon stick to the pot as the liquid boils, if you really like cinnamon. 
  4. Slowly bring the pot to a simmer over low heat.
  5. Add the oats, stirring occasionally.
  6. Sprinkle in the other spices.
  7. Cook for about 20 minutes (note that cook times may vary depending on the type of pot and your stove).
  8. Add the blueberries and brown sugar, and stir. Cook until the blueberries are softened. Stir some more.
  9. Continue cooking until most of the liquid is absorbed or it is a little less thick than your ideal consistency because the oatmeal does thicken as it cools and the liquid evaporates. 
  10. Serve with milk or cream if desired.

You can top it with any or all of the following:

  • Chopped pecans or walnuts
  • Craisins, dried cranberries, raisins
  • Almond slices
  • Cashews 
  • Cranberries 
  • Shredded coconut
  • Fresh fruit 

Experiment with this recipe. Try adding some quinoa or ground flax seed to the oatmeal mix before boiling. Let your family decide on the toppings.

Have fun and enjoy! InshaAllah, God willing.

Candice “Sister Islaah” Abd’al-Rahim reverted to Islam in 1976, and considers herself a student of knowledge. She has deep education credentials which include an M.A. in Teaching, a Certificate of Advanced Studies (Post-Masters) in Administration and Supervision, a B.S. in English, and experiences as a principal (in fact the first hijab public school principal in Maryland!), curriculum and staff developer, mentor, and classroom teacher of grades pre-K through 12. She is a former adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins University’s Graduate School of Education and is a doctoral candidate in Islamic Sciences at the International Online University. Islaah’s contributions to the field have earned her honors in the Who’s Who of Distinguished JHU Alumni. She is a wife, daughter, mother, and grandmother and is an active member of several Muslim communities in the Baltimore area.

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