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Search results

  1. How To Be A Thoughtful Consumer?

    ... And right now, all the Indian farmers I mean 50% of their economy and workers are farmers. They are on a strike and for several weeks now ... 48:35 So if the consumption is the backbone of economy, especially in America, and marketing budgets are not available to any ...

  2. Pakistanis Between Bollywood & Turkish Drama

    ... world has affected all of us. But if I were to compare my economy with my immediate neighbor, for example, India, which is a far bigger economy than I am, then I'm very pleased to I mean, I feel bad for them. But ...

  3. Gandhi, Hindutva and Islamophobia In India

    ... this is this coin sites with the liberalisation of India's economy. So Hindutva become successful for the first time in its history. Only ... So there is the coincidence of the liberalization of India's economy and the rise of hindutva is a very noticeable one. And it really needs ...

  4. President-Elect Biden's Policy Challenges in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India

    ... policy that he feels imperils American jobs or the American economy. And indeed, he did sense that India had very high tariffs on certain ...

  5. Proposed Talking Points for Clergy on Violence and the November Election

    ... ...

  6. 6 guidelines for students and parents on selecting a career path

    ... making. The more dynamic and global character of today's economy makes it somewhat harder to accurately anticipate long-term changes in ...

  7. Action Items for Kashmir, Uighur, & Rohingya

    ... Frontier: Role of China is Disrupting Burma’s Economy Pacific Council: Our Allies Discuss Role of China in Blocking ...

  8. "Send her back": Thinking Points & Talking Points

    ... and religions as America. The growing capital of the world economy, Silicon Valley, is mostly run by immigrants and built by undocumented ...

  9. 10 things you should know about China’s Persecuted Uighur community

    ... is booming, accounting for 60 percent of the region’s economy. Since 2009, the Chinese government has stepped up its ... monitor Uighur homes 24/7 Wikipedia, Xinjiang’s economy ...

  10. Diary of a Boycott: #FastfromChina Day 1

    ... China”: One Family’s True Life Adventure in the Global Economy by Sara Bongiorni List of places you can buy products not made ...
