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Search results

  1. Domestic violence among Muslims and our responsibility to prevent and intervene

    ... times linked to domestic violence. A faltering business, economy and money woes add to the pressure. The National Domestic Abuse ... were interviewed by the FBI. And now, with the faltering economy and corresponding job losses, everyone is under some degree of stress. ...

  2. 18 ways to achieve greatness through gratefulness

    ... and unproductively. Stop complaining about the economy, weather, politicians, traffic, or the system. Refrain from blaming ...

  3. Boosting funds for your Masjid

    ... a few tips: 1. Spend less on fundraising The economy is not bouncing back to its Golden Age tomorrow, so this is no time to ...

  4. Boosting Funds For Your Masjid

    ... are a few tips: Spend less on fundraising . The economy is not bouncing back to its Golden Age tomorrow, so this is no time to ...

  5. Interview with Prof. Nejatullah Siddiqi

    ... our way of doing insurance, our way of organizing the economy, we ourselves will be deprived of the opportunity to live Islamically. ... it tried to experience with some sort of a controlled economy. But after 70 years of communism and socialism, they have realized ...

  6. American Muslim voters and the 2008 presidential election

    ... were born in the United States. On issues the economy ranked as the number one concern, followed by foreign policy and civil ...

  7. Election 2004 brings Canadian Muslims to the forefront

    ... Muslim Canadians were not voting for more jobs, a better economy or discrimination against the community as much as they were voting ...

  8. So?

    ... according to international law and one that has made our economy suffer, their wishes do matter. But unless the grassroots keep an ...

  9. What matters to Muslims in the US Presidential Elections 2008

    ... a trusting relationship with the world better for our economy or increasing the military budget? Are they willing to restore ...

  10. 6 easy things you can do for Islam in 2009

    ... About 80 percent of Americans are stressed because of the economy, according to a recent survey ...
