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Search results

  1. surah for diabetes: The winner remembrance of Allah

    ... this syt and its cool.I dont what words to use to describe dawud wharnsby'z songs,specially "y r the drums so silent?" ...

  2. 17 tips for parents to present Ramadan in their child's class

    ... Muslims fasting, play a song in English about Ramdan (like Dawud Wharnsby Ali's We've Scanned The Sky on the recording Colors of Islam) or ...

  3. The Quran and Hadith on Ramadan

    ... fast with dates, or else with water, for it is pure (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi). Fasting during a journey Aisha related that ...

  4. Biography of Dawud Wharnsby, the pioneer Nasheed artist

    ... twenty-five years Canadian born artisan, writer and musician Dawud Wharnsby has worked with Sound Vision toward the goal of helping young ... people in their common experiences, joys and struggles, Dawud began writing songs and working as an educational puppeteer while still ...

  5. 10 Meaningful Ways to Care for your Sick Child

    ... world. Here are some of our favorite children’s songs by Dawud Wharnsby: (“Being Thankful” – contains “thank you” in many ...

  6. Donation Appeal

    ... storytelling to strengthen younger children. Nasheed artist Dawud Wharnsby Ali, Tom Vandenberg, Shakil Nundol, and Ariya Siddiqi have been ...

  7. Trusting God & Tying the Camel

    ... make things easy, and do not make things difficult” (Abu Dawud). Here are ten ways we can help instill optimism in young Muslims. ...

  8. 10 Tips To Help Keep Your Family Occupied During COVID-19 Staycation

    Dawud Wharnsby In our times, it seems the family unit has ... in study and spiritual discussion with your family. Dawud Wharnsby is an artisan, writer, gardener and homeschooling parent based ...

  9. Alternate to Juma Learning Opportunities

    ... are some other creative ideas which you can choose from Br. Dawud Wharnsby Ali about the family’s changed dynamics. Juma Time at ...

  10. Sample Weekly Summer Plan for Teens

    ... of Allah over your food. It will be blessed for you.” (Abu Dawud) Week 3 Go to the beach with family at Fajr time. Since ...
