There is no spiritual institution in the world that captivates the minds and hearts of millions of people weekly the way a Short Friday Khutbah topics about Ramadan and Jumah prayer sermon does every Friday.
In Ramadan, in particular, a significantly larger crowd of Muslims throngs to mosques and Islamic centres to gain inspiration and spiritual boost from the Jumah Khutba topics or sermon.
Given the turbulent environment, where public opinion about Islam and Muslims is at record low and Islamophobia is skyrocketing, North American Muslims are in dire need of practical, genuine, and refreshing spiritual and social guidance from our Imams and Khateebs.
This Ramadan, it’s critical for Imams and Khateebs to focus their messaging on: Strengthening our spiritual connection with Allah; strengthening our family; and strengthening our connection with our friends, colleagues, and neighbors of other faiths.
As Ramadan approaches, here are suggested Khutba themes for Imams and Khateebs to address.
Short Friday Khutbah Topics about Ramadan Themes for Weeks Leading Up To Ramadan
Willpower: How Ramadan Can Empower You to Change Bad Habits
Reaching Out: Opening Doors & Hearts to Our Neighbors this Ramadan
Ramadan & Civic Engagement: Our Responsibility Toward Our Country
Ramadan Prep: Are You Ramadan Ready?
Short Friday Khutbah about RamadanThemes
Reconnect with the Quran: Let Allah Speak to You
Fasting & Feasting: How to Observe an Active & Healthy Ramadan
Ramadan & Islamophobia: Opportunity to Humanize Islam and Muslims
Reconnect with Family: Strengthen Bonds that Matter this Ramadan
Needy in My Neighborhood: Leading a Simpler & Generous Ramadan
Ramadan & Young Muslims: Why You Matter to the Muslim Community
Dua: How Do You Talk to Allah?
Tawbah: Coming Clean with Allah
Final Stretch: How to Make the Last 10 Days & Nights Most Productive?
Khutba Themes for Weeks of Eid & Beyond
Eid: A New Beginning for a New You
Eid: A Time for Hope & Renewal
It’s Over: How to Make Those Great Ramadan Habits Stick
How to Keep Young Muslims Engaged in the Masjid & the Community
Muslim Civic Participation: How Muslims Can Make a Difference
A thoughtful and thorough planning of Khutbas in advance will multiply the benefit for millions of Muslims who lend their ears, minds, and hearts for 30-45 minutes every week, especially during the Ramadan and Eid seasons.
If you would like to share your ideas for topics and themes for Ramadan and Eid, please share in the comments section below.
any ibadat that should do make sure you do it because of Allah
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