Post-Ramadan Blues; Sunnah Fasting Days; Keeping Ramadan Habits |

Post-Ramadan Blues; Sunnah Fasting Days; Keeping Ramadan Habits

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Assalamu Alaikum:

Eid-ul-Fitr was over a week ago, leaving many of us wistful for Ramadan. 

While there may be no study available about post-Ramadan blues, based on anecdotal evidence, the feeling is real. It’s not unlike the post-holiday sadness some who celebrate Christmas feel, the letdown after tremendous anticipation and excitement. 

This is why we should not let the feelings fester. Rather, this is an ideal time to set goals and try to maintain the excellent habits we picked up in the blessed month. 

If we haven’t already, fasting this week, which will mark the days left of the Islamic month of Shawwal; if we’ve neglected our Quran reading, we can easily pick it up again and read just a few verses daily, timed to five or ten minutes; if we’ve caught ourselves backbiting or being disrespectful, we can become mindful once again and set a goal to stop.

Carrying over our good habits from Ramadan will help ease that sadness of missing the blessed month and the excitement and happiness it brings. Please 


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10 Ways to Keep Those Ramadan Habits
Muslims who have converted to Islam may feel isolated and alone on the Eidholiday. This article describes ways to reach out and make Eid special for them.

Sunnah Days to Fast Throughout the Year
The Prophet, peace be upon him, would fast, not continuously, but periodically throughout the year. Fasting is another act of worship, and it’s reward is one promised by Allah - so one can only begin to imagine the magnitude of the blessings. While one can fast any time throughout the year, there are days specifically mentioned that carry more reward should one partake in fasting.

How Do You Lose Those Post-Ramadan Blues

Tip #8: Choose a Hajj-worthy physical challenge. You may or may not be going for Hajj this year. Regardless, the journey of a lifetime requires preparation of the spirit and the body. Pick a physical activity that can get you ready when Allah’s invitation arrives. It can range from simply walking 15 minutes a day if you currently get no exercise, to taking jogging more miles than your usual daily workout.


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Friday Khutba with Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid 

Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid has been consistently giving Khutbas every Friday since the lockdown due to COVID began. Although many Masjids have reopened, not everyone has access to the learning opportunity that Khutbas offer, which is why he has continued to offer them. This week’s topic will be
Five Ways To boost Your Iman " Watch it here.

*** If your masjid is open for Juma with social distancing, that is where you want to be. However, if you cannot, then watch virtual Khutba and then offer with family Zuhr salat together. . 

Click Here
For Khutba 1 PM CST

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