Certain inward attitudes and duties are incumbent on those who seek, through the payment of Zakat, that which leads to good in the Hereafter. Here is an excerpt on Zakat from Imam Al-Ghazali's "Innner Dimensions of Islamic Worship".
The simplicity movement has swept across North America. People are sick of the rat race-the fast-paced, stressful culture that has developed. Here are some tips to help you simplify your life's material side, and see the bigger picture.
Here is a sample budget form is largely based on information from a pre-marriage program developed for married Muslim couples by Muslim counselor Shahina Siddiqui from ISSA.
Consuming is far from harmless. Make the intention to confront consumerism so you can take back your body, de-commercialize your life, and reclaim your identity!
There is clearly a move away from the attitude that couples should stay together even in the unhappiest of marriages for the sake of the children, a view once held by many Muslim immigrants.
Credit cards, even when being used carefully are better avoided. There are clear alternatives, like the debit card for avoiding this possible trap for Riba. Let's commit to stop the habit of charging and be more realistic in our financial dealings.
There are ways you can cut back and increase cash on a regular basis without resorting to extreme measures. Here are some tips to help you save without compromising quality and/or service.