There is no way to overemphasize this important fact – as a parent you are your child’s first teacher. In this role there are huge responsibilities and plenty of opportunities. There are five significant ways every parent can help children improve their social skills.
For a number of Muslim families, Eid is simply a twice-yearly routine that doesn't change. This year, why not make Eid a little different with these 16 Eid ideas that will create more fun and novel.
Parents live and die each day. With every smile and burst of laughter, they receive a breath of life. With every tear and the slightest etch of worry on their child’s forehead, they die a bit inside.
For many young Muslims, Hajj is a distant ritual they know they’ll eventually have to perform. But, here are some practical ways to make Hajj come alive in the next few weeks for children, from toddlers to teenagers, as pilgrims prepare for departure.
While there are many excellent resources on and offline about how parents can handle bullying, there are some specific things you can do as a Musllim parent a child being bullied. Here are some suggestions.
It is more important than ever to make time for young Muslims. But that doesn’t have to mean hours of one-on-one interaction. Here are a few quick ways parents, as well as other adults, can bond with young Muslims.