With Ramadan falling during final exams this year, a number of students and their parents are in a tizzy. How can we study efficiently and effectively while fasting during the day and praying late into the night?
All surveys have shown that students are especially skeptical of hate mongering. The highest favorable rating of Muslims (49%) is in the age group of 18-29. Let us make a serious effort to fight hate on campus.
The amount of attention parents display in their children's education is shown in the performance of the students in their exams and their attitude towards their teachers. This applies to weekend school as well. Here are some ways to get the most out of weekend school.
This is an open letter to university graduates who are Muslim advising them to remember the responsibility they have toward the knowledge they have acquired over the time they have been in school, from an Islamic perspective.
This paper, presented by Br. Malik Shaw at the ISNA Education Forum in March 2005, focuses on how Muslim students can learn the value of service through Islamic schools and learning the Islamic teachings that call on Muslinms to serve humanity.
The key to a successful relationship, including between parents and teachers, is communication. This is why we've drafted this sample letter you can send to say Eid mubarak teacher and to your child's teacher asking permission to take the day of Eid off from school.