Ramadan is the month of Mercy. Surely Allah as Al-Rahman bestows His abundant benevolence, and as Al-Raheem His overflowing kindness upon the believers who fast with sincerity and pure intention during this month.
What was most painful about “Auntie F’s” death from COVID-19 last week was that no family member or friend could be with her as she took her last breath.
In our times, it seems the family unit has become a complex, compartmentalized, configuration of many moving schedules that must run like clockwork or risk catastrophe! Parents often leave the home early each day to work in offices, factories or retail environments.
Just like we make preparations well in advance when a favorite guest is coming, we, as mothers, have to prepare in advance for Ramadan, so that we don’t waste time during the precious month.
Building trust is like building a bridge. It requires multiple skills and steps: intention, determination, strategy, architecture, engineering, and gathering supplies. It involves labour and at times risks. It needs constant care and maintenance.
So let’s plan to achieve more in 2018. I always develop plans, and almost always translate my plans into a daily to-do list while I keep updating my master to-do list.
Parents live and die each day. With every smile and burst of laughter, they receive a breath of life. With every tear and the slightest etch of worry on their child’s forehead, they die a bit inside.