The only way we can truly make the space necessary for spiritual development this Ramadan is by freeing up our schedule. Dropping the unnecessary and curbing or rescheduling the necessary are among the best ways to to do that. Here are some ideas and things to do in ramadan to pass time
Ramadan is a time for increased worship, self-discipline, and spiritual growth. However, transitioning from regular screen time and social media usage to a more focused and
Ramadan is a significant and memorable time for Muslims worldwide. It is not only a month for sawm (fasting) from sunrise to sunset but an opportunity for spiritual growth, reflection, and increasing family ties.
Muharram is a significant and important month. Muharram itself is the first month of the Islamic calendar and is often met with passing interest by the Muslim community as simply a day to reflect and change the date on the calendar.
Ramadan is the month of Mercy. Surely Allah as Al-Rahman bestows His abundant benevolence, and as Al-Raheem His overflowing kindness upon the believers who fast with sincerity and pure intention during this month.
Sha’ban is the eight month on the Islamic calendar. Although it is not classified as one of the sacred months, it has both spiritual and historic prominence that is often not reflected upon by the collective Ummah.