Please note: You know yourself better than anyone else except
God Almighty. So you know how to plan for yourself. This is just a
guide. Modify it as you like. If possible, spare a week of
contemplation, and reflect for a few weeks before you use this
Kashmir is the responsibility of all Muslims, and we must speak out against the atrocities and demand a fair settlement of the issue. Here are some suggested strategies focused on educating others about Kashmir.
A global pandemic, challenges with social media, jam-packed schedules, impacts of Islamophobia. Such high levels of uncertainty and confusion can have a direct impact on children. It is necessary to help them through these difficult times.
The payment of Zakat becomes obligatory on every sane and mature Muslim and Muslimah whenever there is an economic activity resulting in the net increase in their wealth.
If you feel your boss or supervisor is someone who will understand your situation, write an early leave request letter for Ramadan to your supervisor and consider it sending before Ramadan begins, to avoid any inconvenience.
Spring break may conjure up images of college students partying wildly on sandy beaches, but it doesn't have to be spent this way only. Consider the time off as a kind of practice run for summer break.