With the arrival of Ramadan, the first week of the blessed month can be difficult in terms of adjusting to a different eating and sleeping schedule. Most Muslims manage to be back on track by the second week. For others, it may take longer or it may be more difficult.
At work, this can raise questions about productivity and concentration. If you feel it is helpful, inform your boss before Ramadan begins about the coming changes. Every employer is different, and while many, if not most, are very understanding and make allowances for Muslim employees, others may use it as an excuse for discrimination.
If you feel your boss or supervisor is someone who will understand your situation, then consider sending this sample letter to them before Ramadan begins. You can adjust the letter according to your needs.
Monday February 26, 2024
Re: Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting, starting Tuesday March 12, 2024
You have always been a supportive boss, and I appreciate everything you have done for me. I also like the fact that there is a culture of respect for employees at (NAME OF YOUR COMPANY).
This is why I wanted to let you know about the upcoming month of Ramadan, a month of fasting for Muslims all around the world. This year, it is expected to begin on Tuesday March 12. Muslims are required to fast during this month. This entails avoiding all food and drink between dawn and sunset each day for 29 or 30 days.
Despite the physical challenges, Ramadan is a time of joy, spiritual fulfillment, generosity, and greater God-consciousness for Muslims.
I have fasted for over a decade, even during work hours at (NAME OF YOUR COMPANY). Although this has not affected my productivity on the job, it has not been easy. With this in mind, I would like to suggest three things that can help make Ramadan at (NAME OF YOUR COMPANY) easier this year for myself and other Muslim employees:
- Giving fasting employees the option to come in earlier and leave earlier. Or arriving and leaving a little later.
- Setting aside an empty room where employees can pray and/or take a short nap during lunch break.
- Scheduling work meetings in the late morning or later in the afternoon (e.g. 3 pm or afterward), when employees tend to be less tired.
Thank you very much for your time. I look forward to discussing this further with you.
Very Helpful.
Thank you so much for this template. This has helped me share information about Ramadan and the change in office schedule. Jazakallahu Khairan.
thank you
this template was really helpful for me to request my boss to work from home
Jazakh Allah!
good information
Thank you so much for this template. This has helped me share information about Ramadan and the change in-office schedule. Jazakallahu Khairan.
A very helpful template
Thank you so much for this template. This has helped me share information about Ramadan and the change in office schedule. Jazakallahu Khairan.
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