When Ramadan comes to an end, so do the increased opportunities for prayer. We may or may not get another Ramadan in our lives. This may be our last last day of Ramadan Iftar. Just before Iftar is a special time to ask Allah for everything you want. He loves hearing from us. The last night when does ramadan end and day of fasting is a special day of Dua as well, considering that the Prophet has said that Allah makes decisions about our forgiveness that day. So here are some suggested Duas.
Duas before the last day of Ramadan Iftar
If everyone in your family can break fast together, it will be great to make Dua on last day of Ramadan together, when does ramadan end.
- Oh Allah, please accept all of my prayers, fasting, and remembrance of You during this blessed month.
- Please forgive me for the shortcomings in my worship and help me improve by next Ramadan.
- Ya Allah, help me continue the good habits I have acquired during Ramadan.
- Oh Allah, please make me of the righteous, the guided, and those You love.
- Ya Allah, please guide me and my family to the Straight Path and help us become excellent Muslims for Your sake.
- I worship only You and only from You do I seek help. Please increase Your bounty for me
Do remember your loved ones, friends, coworkers, neighbors, and classmates by name in your Dua last day of Ramadan, when does ramadan end
Duas for the last night of power
- Ya Allah, You are the embodiment of forgiveness, You love to forgive, Please disregard my shortcomings, O Forgiver, Ghafoor, the Forgiving Lord.
- Oh Allah, make it easy for me to do good and help me avoid the bad in all situations.
- Oh Allah, grant me success in all of my affairs in this life and the Next.
- Please increase me in knowledge and bless me with excellent teachers.
- Ya Allah, let me die in the highest state of Iman.
- Oh Allah, bless this Ummah, guide us, and unite our hearts.
- Ya Allah, lift my heart, relieve my burdens, and make me of those who put their full trust in You for all of their affairs.
- Oh Allah, please bless me with the opportunity to see many more Ramadans and to perform much better worship of You than I have done this year and in the past.
Duas for Eid
Approach your Imam before Eid Salat and hand him a couple of requests based on the following Duas so he can lead all in Dua;
- Ya Allah, open our hearts towards our neighbors.
- Ya Allah, open the hearts of our neighbors towards us.
- Ya Allah, unite the Muslims in the USA and the world to serve Allah's creation to please Him.
- Ya Allah, give Sabr (patience) and freedom to the innocent prisoners and guide those who are at fault.
- Ya Allah, You take care of the oppressed. Please help the oppressed in Palestine, Kashmir, Afghanistan, Iraq, India, Chechnya and other parts of the world.
- Ya Allah, guide oppressors to the right path and move the hearts of extremists from the harmful path.
- Ya Allah, give wisdom to our leaders; accept their sacrifice; bless them with more courage.
Photo Attribution - James Gordon - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Main_prayer_hall,_Umayyid_Mosque,_Damascus_-_4.jpg
Jazakam allahikar
Jazak alllah khairan and inshallah jannat Al firdous.
Jazakam allahikar
Jazak alllah khairan and inshallah jannat Al firdous.
Ameen Ameen ya Allah forgive our sins and give me shifai Adil Kamil Ameen 🤲
Ameen... beautiful dua
Ameen... beautiful dua
Jazakallahu khairan
May Allah reward you for the good job that you've done. Ameen
AMEEN,YA RABB.thans fo r posting,May allah bless u and ur family.
Jazakallahu Khaira
mashaallah very powerful duas.subhanallah
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