American Muslim parents often feel that the pulls of the secular society put the very souls of their children at risk. As Muslims minorities in a society that places a high value on individualism and exploration, maintaining Islamic principles and beliefs in adolescents, teens and young adu
Everyone has bad days, whether it’s a child feeling left out, a teen struggling with schoolwork, or a parent stressed with obligations. Hardships can make us feel sad, upset, or even hopeless.
March 15 is International Combat Islamophobia Day as declared by the United Nations with an overwhelming vote by 115 nations. No nation voted against it.
Frustration in relationships can be tough to handle. Whether it is friends or family, disagreements bring negative emotions such as anxiety and stress. However, arguments are inevitable and completely normal.
Encouraging children to complete chores around the house is one of parents' many daily struggles. Kids may feel unmotivated to clean their rooms or do their laundry, especially if their parents are the ones usually attending to it.