If you're in charge of cooking in your household then you can feel like most of your Ramadan is spent over a hot stove instead of on a prayer mat. This Ramadan, let's remove our inner and outer obstacles to spiritual success.
Ramadan is often accompanied by feasting. Food-binging on oily, sugary items in Ramadan is the norm in the Muslim communities. Read Healthy 7 Ramadan Tips
This green bean dish combines garlic and sesame seed paste (tahini) giving it a very unique taste. This dish is quick and easy and accompanies any food. It's light in taste, but at the same time full in flavor.
This menu in Eid food, includes dishes from the Arab world in general, as well as those specifically from Jordan, Syria and Iraq.You'll find a mix of meat and sweet dishes, as well as two types of dessert.
Eid recipes includes dishes from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. You'll find a mix of appetizers, rice, meat and vegetable dishes, as well as two types of dessert.
Ummah foods includes dishes from around the Muslim world. It is an international Eid-ul-Adha feast which can bring together Muslims from different parts of the world on Eid day. You'll find different kinds of dishes, from the East and the West.