In recent decades, the Muslim community in the United States has become increasingly diverse, with Latino Muslims emerging as one of the fastest-growing groups. is real. You may have personally experienced it or know a family member, friend or acquaintance who has. This new racism must be made known and fought against. Here are a couple of ways to combat this phenomenon.
Abdul Malik Mujahid discusses how the 2011 hearings by New York Congressman Peter King, which were intended to examine the radicalization of Muslims in the United States, ignore the fact that American Muslims have been directly involved in fighting terrorism since the 9/11 attacks.
Hate never limits itself to one stop. It keeps looking for the new targets. Just as KKK targets were not limited to African-Americans as it attacked Catholics, Jews and other immigrants, the current phase of hate, ethnic bigotry and religious intolerance is looking for new targets.
Islamophobia like other forms of racism and religious or ethnic intolerance, is not the problem of its victims It is a societal problem. Unless we as a nation speak out against it, educate others about it, and fight, it will continue to perpetuate.
Islamophobia is today's accepted form of racism. It will require Muslims to fight hard against it. Muslims are neither solely responsible for its creation, nor will they be able to fight it on their own. It is a collective responsibility for all bridge-builders of the world.