Pink ribbons flood retail establishments and are donned on the uniforms of health care workers and professional athletes. Public Service Announcement reminders flood the airways. It’s October – National Breast Cancer Awareness month.
There is no way to overemphasize this important fact – as a parent you are your child’s first teacher. In this role there are huge responsibilities and plenty of opportunities. There are five significant ways every parent can help children improve their social skills.
We live in a day and time where we have access to information 24/7. Computers, televisions, and smartphones put that information literally at our fingertips.
It is not just the safety of our children in public schools which is important but also the whole issue of how teachers are dealing with the topic which should be our concern. Please either send this url to your child's teacher with your letter or provide a print out as well.
This outline is just a guide. Feel free to modify it in any way you like. Anything which you think you must do should be planned for here. The Quran invites us to think, evaluate, and achieve for the best of this world and the best of the hereafter.