Creating a personal financial plan should be simple enough. It doesn't have to be a jungle of incomprehensible figures. Using a one-person example, here's a sample guide that can help.
Celebrations don't have to be expensive to be memorable. Look back at your own childhood and remember how you had fun without frills. Here 9 ideas make Eid gifts on budget, enjoyable and inexpensive.
Which is better, a gas or electric range?....find out in this report featuring a number of practical guidelines to help you create your dream kitchen from consumer reports.
Choosing a career requires not just following our personal interest and inclination. It also calls for wisdom, a broad understanding of market trends, and a solid Islamic perspective, among other things, to make the right choice that will benefit us in our Deen (religion) and Dunya (worldly interests).
Investing without full knowledge is gambling with your money. That's the best advice you can get about how to invest wisely. We see too many investors who might have avoided trouble and losses if they had asked basic questions from the start.
A harvard lecture by the most prominent islamic economist, Prof. Nejatullah Siddiqi on the state of islamic finance, where he discusses the premises and promises of Islamic Economics.