Please use this cover letter to request an Imam, khateeb, and an Islamic organization to sign the attached resolution.
Assalaamu alaikum
We pray that you and your family are in good health and spirits. May Allah reward you for your efforts on behalf of Muslims in the United States and throughout the world. One of the greatest potential internal threats to Muslim unity in the United States and throughout the global Ummah is the sectarian violence and killing arising from strife between Shias and Sunnis.
There is an urgent need for thoughtful influential Muslim leaders, like you, to raise a collective voice against this self-destructive violence that threatens to create a seemingly unbridgeable fault line in the Muslim world. Please read the attached Resolution developed by the Shia-Sunni Dialogue to Save Lives, an ad-hoc committee of Muslims concerned about deaths caused by sectarian violence, particularly in Iraq. We ask that you lend your name as a signer endorsing the Resolution and that you address your constituency and/or issue fatwas:
- Reaffirming the fact that adherents of both Shia and Sunni Schools of Jurisprudence are Muslims.
- Condemning sectarian violence and killing.
Please advise us of your willingness to endorse the Resolution of the Shia-Sunni Dialogue to Save Lives and your agreement to issue fatwas or speak to your constituencies concerning the above points. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Br. Abdul Malik Mujahid, malik at SoundVision.com or (708) 430-1255 ext. 405.
Shia-Sunni Dialogue to Save Lives
Dr. Esmail Khoushanpour
Dr. Hamid Hussain
Dr. Syed Sajjad Asghar
Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid
Imam Khalid Griggs
Imam Senad Agic
Sr. Shiela Musaji
If you are an imam/khateeb, please sign and fax or email the attached resolution which was adopted by the Dialogue held on Dec. 25, 2006 in Chicago.
If you are not an imam, get your masjid and imam to sign and then fax or email the attached resolution.
Please get as many Muslims as possible to sign the petition here.
Photo Attribution: Mohamed CJ - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Clerics_take_part_in_a_protest_against_an_anti-Islamic_film.JPG
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