Valuable advice from "Holiday Myths" |

Valuable advice from "Holiday Myths"

In "Holiday Myths," an informative new video from Sound Vision, Islamic scholar and historian Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick examines the roots of each of these "holidays" and provides insights on how they should be viewed.

"Satan is an artist. He paints sin in very beautiful colors," someone once said.

Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, children dressed in Halloween masks and going door-to-door for candy. No doubt, Christmas, New Year's Eve, Easter, Valentine's Day, and Halloween appear to be colorful and attractive celebrations full of fun and merriment. But are they really harmless fun or dangerous lies?

Holidays: No Basis in the Bible

Although most Christians celebrate these "holidays," surprisingly they were never told to do so in the Bible. But if these "holidays" and symbols were not established by the Bible, where did they come from, and why do Christians celebrate them?

Dr. Quick argues that these "holidays" were established by pagan, nature-worshipping Europeans long before Christianity came on the scene. He notes that although Allah sent Messengers to teach people about one God, many people began to adore and worship the sun and nature in place of Allah. It was these pagans (mushrikeen) who established the symbols and rituals that later came to be used for Christmas, New Year's Eve, Easter, Valentine's Day, and Halloween.

Holidays: Adapted from Pagan Dieties

The Christians, according to Dr. Quick, adopted and adapted these pagan symbols of worship and adoration, such as the sun, the evergreen tree, and mistletoe, in order to make Christianity more appealing to the pagans they were trying to convert to Christianity. Thus, December 25, the day of the winter solstice, which was considered a holy day for pagans, was adopted by the Christians as the birthday of Jesus, although it is highly unlikely that Jesus was born at that time. Although the Christians were attempting to bring pagans into the fold of Christianity by this tactic, they, at the same time, brought more paganistic practices into Christianity - a danger that Muslims who are beginning to participate in these "holidays" should seriously consider. Ultimately, the error of the Christians allowed the practices of the pagans (mushrikeen) into their religion and made it even farther from the pure belief in one God than it already was. The example of the Christians shows that these "holidays" are dangerous lies and an avenue for the shaytan to lead people astray from the pure worship of Allah.

Take Opportunity to Do Dawa During These Holidays

This important video will shock both Muslims and Christians who either believe that these customs are Christian customs or who believe that they are harmless fun. It should be useful for giving dawah to non-Muslims or for educating Muslims on the dangers of participating in these "holidays," which are - without a doubt - deeply steeped in shirk.


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