1. Kick off the summer by planting a tree in the backyard or a new plant. Choose one that produces something edible and discuss how this is an example of charity, as explained by the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.
2. Organize trips to area Masjids and teach the kids mosque etiquette. Learn the Duas for entering and leaving the mosque, how to pray the Sunnah prayers upon entering, as well as how to use "inside voices" and be on their best behavior, in addition to keeping the House of Allah clean. While you're at it, try to learn about the mosque's history, services and activities.
3. Take up a “Save Water” challenge for the whole summer. Discuss and implement at least five ways to reduce water use at home.
4. Organize a puppet show for the kids in the basement that teaches the value of charity, patience, forgiveness and other Islamic values.
5. During a rainstorm, organize a collective Dua session in the balcony/patio/deck. When it rains the Heavens are open and it's considered a good time to supplicate to God.
6. Memorize eight new Surahs, one for every week of summer. Learn their translation as well. This is a good activity for long car rides. Keep playing the CD/cassette of the Surah being memorized and recite it together.
7. Pray Fajr at the beach.
8. Learn how to roller blade/skate.
9. Learn how to swim.
10. Hold a family reunion barbecue and throw in a good deed while you're at it. Have attendees bring canned food or cash to give to a food bank near you.
11. At the reunion, watch and discuss an Islamic video/DVD. One good topic is Hajj, since you may have family or friends making the pilgrimage this year.
12. If you're having a hard time prying your child away from the computer, tie their obsession to a condition: they can have X amount of hours in front of the screen if they develop a nice flyer for the local Masjid's upcoming fundraising dinner or write an article for a non-profit organization's website.
13.Paint a masterpiece of Islamic art. How will you know you're not the next Muslim Picasso if you don't try? If you've always loved painting or any other form of art, try to develop something in the summer break with an Islamic theme.
14. Complete a 1,000 piece puzzle
15. Talk about Ramadan as the month of fasting approaches. Visit a local planetarium to learn about the phases of the moon and discuss how the Islamic calendar relies on the moon to determine dates.
16. Visit and support local museums, especially those that present the history of your city, town or suburb as well as children's museums.
17. Every family member cleans out their room. The unwanted items are sold at a garage sale. Proceeds are sent to a charity of the family's choice.
18. The fifteen - minute dessert discussion: Every night after dinner, over ice cold lemonade, cookies or ice cream and dimmed lights, choose a topic to discuss. Some that would be relevant include: the purpose of life, 3 easy ways to be thankful to Allah, 5 duties we owe our family, 5 qualities of a good Muslim leader; 7 things our family can do about the global food crisis; a Muslim's duty to the planet.
19. Organize a display about Ramadan at the local library.
20. Have older kids babysit younger ones as parents enjoy a rare night out.
21. Collect clothes, toys and canned goods for a local charity for needy children.
22. Build a treehouse Masjid in the backyard. Don't forget to take a picture of it when you're done.
23. Teach kids the art of the thank you card. Have them make homemade ones in preparation for the Eid gifts they'll probably be getting.
24. Make cookies and lemonade and give them to your mail or newspaper carrier on an especially hot day.
25. Hold a pizza party to discuss the successes and disasters of the last school year. Be fair to yourself or your child and plan how next year can build on the good and learn from the bad.
26. Make the Prophet come alive for your kids.
27. Learn about trees and the role they play in the environment. Count how often trees are mentioned in the Quran and in what context.
28. Teach your kids the Dewey Decimal system, so they have an easier time finding books on their own at the library.
29. Celebrate the Fourth of July by submitting a letter to the editor or op-ed piece about why you are proud to be an American Muslim.
30. Visit a cave near you and participate in a tour about them. If you can't find a real one, check out a virtual one. Then learn/talk about the cave of Hira and how it was where the Prophet received the first revelation from God.
31. Participate in your local library's summer reading program.
32. Visit the zoo and learn in detail about a couple of the animals there, marveling at the diversity of Allah's creation.
33. Visit farmer's markets in your area and buy locally grown produce and talk to the sellers about how they grew their fruits and vegetables. If they have time, have them explain to your kids how what they're selling differs from what's at the local grocery store.
34. Keep a garbage bag and a few pairs of disposable gloves in your glove compartment. At every park you visit, pick up litter before you leave.
35. Put together an old-fashioned family photo album. Print out the best ones off of your phone or online album.
36. Learn/teach Duas for rain and thunderstorms.
37. Try using public transportation to get around if you already don't for just one day.
Especially for teens and tweens:
38. Develop a relationship with an elderly neighbor. Check up on them especially on dangerously hot days, mow their lawn, run errands. Try to do it for free.
39. Write a poem, rap or song in praise of the Prophet.
40. Learn how to cook 5 new dishes. Then offer to make them once a week.
41. Make a video about some aspect of Islam and load it up to YouTube.com. Interesting topics include calligraphy, Islamic art, an Islamic "celebrity" who's a good role model for all faiths.
42. Take a Babysitter's Training Course at the local Red Cross or park district
43. Host a family talent show in the basement.
44. Host an all-women fashion show in the basement.
45. Start a blog or website about an aspect of Islam no one has yet written about. This can include tips on how to be part of an interfaith dialog, a profile of a favorite but unknown Muslim personality, Islam and time management/personal organization, information about your Muslim community (size, number of mosques, Islamic schools, along with a short description of each, Halal restaurants, etc.), growing up Muslim in your city/town.
46. Write and produce a Muslim version of a favorite television show and load it up to YouTube.com
47. Extreme makeover your car or your room
48. Go on a shopping spree with friends...for charity. Find out what kind of things a local organization needs and spend an afternoon together buying the stuff and dropping it off.
49. Make a scrapbook about a visit to a local mosque or your last trip to a Muslim country
50. "Clean it up, clean it up the dirty Masjid" is not just the title of a rap produced by the Muslim Youth of North America in the early 1990s. Spend an afternoon or two doing this with your pals.
51. Arrange to shadow a person who has the career you want for a day, and don't just ask about the job but how they balance their time with prayer, family responsibilities, arrange to get time off for Eid, etc.
52. Volunteer for a political candidate/party of your choice.
53. Visit the campus of colleges you're considering. Check out the Muslim Students' Association and prayer area as well.
54. Learn CPR
55. Videorecord an interview with your grandparents about their lives as teenagers. Some questions to ask include:
-What did they do for fun?
-What subjects did they study?
-Did they pull any interesting pranks?
-What was their most embarrassing moment?
56. Research one male and one female Companion of the Prophet.
57. Learn the art of beautiful Quran recitation by regularly listening to a reciter whose recitation you love or taking a course.
58. Brainstorm 52 Khutba topics (1 for every Friday of the year) you'd like the local Imam or Khateeb to cover in the next year and send it to him with a nice letter.
59. Spread the spirituality with your cellphone...call or text message friends for every prayer time. If possible, meet up at the mosque for prayers.
60. Take over storytelling for your younger siblings from your parents and recount in five fascinating minutes an interesting story from the life of the Prophet, Companions or Islamic history.
61. Design your own model mosque with different sized boxes, paper towel rolls (for minarets), carve out windows, etc.
62. Sadaqah a day keeps the ego at bay...plan what charity you'll give every night for the next week. Remember, this includes smiling, pouring water into someone's glass and more.
63. A few days before the school year begins, hold a Back To School party to enjoy the last moments of summer fun. You provide the food and everyone else brings five resolutions they want to work on during the school year to share with everyone. The resolutions should be both serious and humorous.
64. Make loot bags for the kids in your neighborhood for back to school. Include balloons, some candy, but healthy stuff too (e.g. raisin packs), pencils, cute erasers, etc.
65. Arrange to get a table for your mosque at the next community summer festival. Make sure it includes free candy, drinks, etc. along with pamphlets and other info about Islam.
Photo Attribution - Guy - http://www.flickr.com/photos/shortfatkid/838277032/
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