Assalamu Alaikum:
There is only one place in the world where Muslims are not allowed to fast:
Uighurs and other Muslims are forbidden from fasting for the last three years.
Now, about two million of them are in Chinese concentration camps. Sr. Mihrigul Tursun told me yesterday that they are force-fed haram food. She is the only survivor of the concentration camps who is in the United States, and she is going to be my guest speaker this Saturday, April 13, 6 p.m. at a benefit for the Save Uighur campaign.
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To ridicule Ramadan and Islam, the Chinese government actually organizes public alcohol -drinking competitions in Ramadan. May Allah guide them.
It’s a shame that the world’s Muslim leaders will be busy consuming political Iftars this Ramadan instead of speaking up for the religious freedom of Muslims in Eastern Turkistan (Xinjiang) and China. Most of them neither seem to fear God Almighty nor their own people.
But you are free to speak. You are free to fast. You are free to pray.
We will be launching a “Fast From China” campaign on April 13. Please join us to hear Sr. Mihrigul and Aydin Anwar, an Uighur activist to learn about what you can do to free Uighur Muslims. Both Uighur sisters are very brave and courageous. Sr. Mihrigul’s husband and parents are still in the concentration camps. However, she has decided to speak up for the freedom of Muslims.
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The refusal to allow Muslims to fast is part of the Chinese government’s wide-ranging plan to wipe out the community’s heritage and faith. This plan includes the bulldozing of mosques and forcefully taking their Muslim children to Communist-run orphanages.
A Washington Post editorial noted:
“All who believe in the principle of ‘never again’ after the horror of the Nazi extermination camps and Stalin’s gulag must speak up against China’s grotesque use of brainwashing, prisons, and torture,”
This Saturday, April 13, please join Sound Vision at its emergency benefit dinner to stop the genocide of Uighur Muslims in China.
Please buy your tickets here:
We hope to see you, your family, and your friends on Saturday insha Allah.
Abdul Malik Mujahid
P.S. Keep calling your elected leaders directly. Their contact information can be found at SaveUighur.org/Congress. You will also find talking points on this website.
P.P.S. Please invite your family and friends to join us on April 13, and please share this newsletter with them and on your Facebook and Twitter feeds.
P.P.S. Please keep making Dua for Sabr and courage for all of those who are fighting for freedom. God controls the world, we don’t. But we have a duty to do our part when we find out about injustice.
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