Amongst the 25 Prophets mentioned by God in the Quran, one name is Prophet John (peace be upon him). In Arabic, his name is Yahya. He is also a Prophet who figures prominently in Christianity, where he is known as John the Baptist. His story in the Christian tradition is described in Bible Luke 1:5-22.
In Islam, belief in all of Allah's Prophets is a fundamental article of faith. A person who denies belief in any of the Prophets, be it Jesus (peace be upon him) Moses (peace be upon him), or any of the others leaves the fold of Islam.
His miraculous birth
Prophet Jesus was not the only Prophet who was born miraculously. By miraculous, we mean outside of the normal process of human reproduction Allah has ordained which requires a man and a woman to conceive a child. In the case of Jesus, this meant being born of a mother but no father.
But Prophet Adam (peace be upon him)'s birth was even more miraculous in this sense since he was created with no mother or father. Similarly, Hawwa or Eve (may Allah be pleased with her) was created from a man, her husband, and no parents.
The birth of Prophet John is miraculous because he is the offspring of a barren mother and an elderly father. His father, it should be noted, was also a Prophet named Zecheriah.
"'Zecheriah, We bring you the good news of the birth of a son whose name shall be John, one whose namesake We never created before.' He said: ‘My Lord! How can I have a boy when my wife is barren and I have reached an extremely old age?' He answered: ‘So shall it be.' Your Lord says: ‘It is easy for Me', and then added: ‘For beyond doubt, I created you earlier when you were nothing' (Quran 19:7-9).
"Zecheriah exclaimed: ‘My Lord! How shall I have a son when old age has overtaken me and my wife is barren?' He said: ‘Thus shall it be; Allah does what He wills'"(Quran 3:40).
With the birth of John, Allah granted Zecheriah his desire for an heir.
"And We bestowed favor upon Zecheriah, when he cried to his Lord: ‘Lord! Leave me not solitary [without any issue]. You are the best Inheritor.' So We accepted his prayer and bestowed upon him John, and We made his wife fit (to bear a child). Verily they hastened in doing good works and called upon Us with longing and fear, and humbled themselves to Us" (Quran 21:89-90).
The beautiful qualities of John
Allah did not just miraculously grant Zecheriah a son. He made this child a blessing for his parents and beautiful in character. Prophet John is described in the Quran as chaste and righteous.
"Then Zecheriah prayed to his Lord: ‘O Lord! Grant me from Yourself out of Your grace the gift of a goodly offspring, for indeed You alone heed all Prayers. As he stood praying in the sanctuary, the angels called out to him: ‘Allah gives you good tidings of John, who shall confirm a command of Allah, shall be outstanding among men, utterly chaste, and a Prophet from among the righteous" (Quran 3:38-39).
"'O John! Hold fast the Book with all your strength. We had bestowed wisdom upon him while he was still a child; and We also endowed him with tenderness and purity; and he was exceedingly pious and cherishing to his parents. Never was he insolent or rebellious. Peace be upon him, the day he was born, and the day he will die, and the day he will be raised up alive. (Quran 19: 12-15).
Part of a line of honored Prophets
Finally, as mentioned above, Prophet John is one of the Prophets Muslims must believe in. He is one of the 25 mentioned in the Quran.
"And We bestowed upon Abraham (offspring) Isaac and Jacob and each of them did We guide to the right way as We had earlier guided Noah to the right way; and (of his descendants We guided) David and Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses and Aaron. Thus do We reward those who do good. (And of his descendants We guided) Zecheriah, John, Jesus and Elias: each one of them was of the righteous." (Quran 6:84-85).
Photo Attribution: "St John ba Harim5" by Юкатан (talk) - Own work. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:St_John_ba_Harim5.jpg#mediaviewer/File:St_John_ba_Harim5.jpg
Jesus (peace be upon him) is
Jesus (peace be upon him) is the only messenger will come back to tell the world the lies that were told about him. That's why he will return.
Then Allah made a mistake, he
Then Allah made a mistake, he doesn't no end from the beginning.
Answer to your question
You have asked a very important question jesus christ (Issa) a.s was lifted to the heaven and was not crucified
And is still alive and he shall return before the of Resurrection and shall destroy all of the crosses and shall kill dajjal (false messiah) and his actul time of death is only known by Almighty ALLAH
No everyone will return all
No everyone will return all mankind all prophets and all angels will be ressurected by allah swt then the questions about your deeds will asked so plz change and folloq the right path that is islam
We believe in what Jesus says becauses he is Allah's prophet. But christianity was created by St. Paul. Therefore, these are not word from Jesus. Jesus did not convey anything other than true message of Allah. Jesus was just a prophet, a human beikng. Hope this helps. The whole Christianity is standing on Paul's preaching, not on what prophet Jesus preached.
Actually the belief that
Actually the belief that Jesus was the messiah, the son of God, was a belief of early Christians long before Pauls writings. The gospels came before the writings of Paul who was not one of the original Apostles. While it's true 14 of 27 of the books in the New Testament are attributed to Paul, that can hardly be considered Pauls creation. This is foolish and has no basis. As for criticism of the Quran, we must examine the foundation. Muslims always site the Quran has never changed and use this to prove its divine origin and superiority to the Bible as a work of God. But, they fail to consider the source. The source is Muhammed, a man who had 11 wives and who knows how many concubines, a man who brought the sword, and created the Quran as a politician in order to preserve his own life. The Quran is repetitive in many instances, repeating and revising things as it goes on. As instances arose in the life of Mohammed, verses were "inspired" to address the instances. These would lead one to believe this is a human work full of thoughtful implementation. While the Quran is an amazing work it was not compiled into a single work until more than 20 years after the death of Mohammed and several passages may have been left out or removed. When we look at the life of Mohammed we see a man who knew the history of Jews and Christians before the Quran was "inspired" having met both Christians and Jews early on in his life. We also see a man who oversaw the destruction of other temples and places of worship and war throughout the region, something practiced by extremist Muslims to this day. I would only say before criticizing the veracity of the bible, to consider the criticism of Muhammed and his life, amazing as it was.
It seems all you people can
It seems all you people can come up with to criticize Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is about the number of wives. What you fail to understand is that it was the past. Just because you yourself cannot imagine having more than one, that doesn't mean it was uncommon in 1000s of years ago. Whatever people like you say bear no weight when you resort to show how low you are by speaking of things such as 'concubines' when talking about other religions.
'Created the Quran as a politician'. Yes a man who was illiterate became a politician and created a Book that everyone 'blindly' (sarcasm) follows to this day. Again, no weight to your argument
That was so politically
That was so politically incorrect, and stupid it's just flat out wrong on so many levels. Smh do your research.
If anything all three "people's of the book" Jews, Christians, and Muslims foundations were "inspired" or constructed from the teachings of Abraham. These people were relatively the same and lived in the same regions so they lived close enough for cross communication. The low blow, was when you tried to insinuate the whole terrorist thing. Great job bro! Ever heard of the crusaders!? Like wow!...
A correct needs to be made.
A correct needs to be made. Muhammad (peace be upon him) did not write the Qur'an.
Gil- peace be unto you. God
Gil- peace be unto you. God says in exodus 3:14, in the original Hebrew "ehyeh asher ehyeh" which literally means “I will be what I will be." The translation I am what I am is false. Even the in the Greek septuagint (which is the old testament in Greek that was around in 200 BC) we see, the Greek words (egoo eimi ho oon) which means “I AM THE BEING”, or, “I AM THE EXISTING ONE”.
"I am" which Jesus (pbuh) says in John 8:58 does not mean that Jesus (pbuh) is God. God never identified himself as I am. Peace be unto you.
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