Muslims stand in solidarity with Paris and the people of France. We are profoundly saddened and shaken by the attacks that have taken place.
Many of us used to say terrorists are not Muslims, now we wonder if they are even humans. Period.
Muslims condemn terrorism all the time.
However, our voices of peace must be louder than the voices of terror. Hence, our engagement with our local communities, as well as media at all levels is crucial and urgent.
As Paris reels from today's tragedy, please take following actions right now:
1. React from a position of strength, not weakness
The only way we can make our message of peace louder than the one of violence used by extremists is by interacting and engaging with our communities and our neighbors in the broadest sense of the word.
For example, share your thoughts on your personal Facebook and Twitter feed (see more info about this below).
Even more important, encourage Muslims in Paris, especially if you have family and friends there, to assist in the efforts to help the injured, to open their doors to the lost (see the #porteouverte campaign on Twitter), and help with counseling traumatized victims.
Masjids, Islamic centers, and Muslim organizations must also be part of this effort. If you have contacts with any in Paris, please encourage them to do this.
The Prophet, peace be upon him, was a man of compassion and a man of action, as is our faith. Show your compassion and action, not just your reaction in the face of these attacks.
2. Respond to the media
Personally monitor your media. Ensure that coverage of this developing story is fair and balanced. If you see a story featuring Islamophobes bashing Islam and Muslims in general, please call or email them. Ask them to be objective and to not label Muslims as terrorists. If you come across a positive story, please do call or email both the journalist and the publication to express appreciation.
3. Call the French Embassy
Let your French embassy know that you are a Muslim and want to share your condolences with the people of France. Emphasize that Muslims stand in solidarity with Paris in this horrific tragedy.
French Embassy in the United States
Email: info@ambafrance-us.org
Phone: (202) 944 6000
French Embassy in Canada
Phone: (613) 789 1795
French Embassy in the UK
Email: presse.londres-amba@diplomatie.gouv.fr
Phone: [+44] (0) 207 073 1000
4. Express your solidarity and sorrow on social media
The world needs to know that Muslims genuinely care for the people of Paris. Please use both the following hash tags:
#MuslimsStandWithParis #PrayForParis
Dear sisters and brothers in humanity, the bigots have already started labeling and blaming immigrants as the root cause of all violence and chaos in France. Keep an eye out for them and counter them in a civilized manner.
We pray that France follows the example of Norway, where 77 people were gunned down by a right-wing Islamophobic terrorist in 2011, yet, the Norwegian government didn't introduce draconian laws unfairly targeting its innocent immigrants or citizens.
May God keep us and our neighbors safe in this global village.
May God guide humanity to be kind and compassionate.
May He transform the hearts of the terrorists, war-mongers, and the hate mongers.
Abdul Malik Mujahid
PS. Masjids and Islamic Organizations, please use this sample Press Release to customize and issue by tomorrow.
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