Preparing for Black History Month; Remembering Quebec City Mosque Massacre Today |

Preparing for Black History Month; Remembering Quebec City Mosque Massacre Today

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Assalamu alaikum:

Muslims have built America, fought for it starting from the Revolutionary War, and continue to be contributing citizens of the United States. It started with Black Muslims, who make up one-fifth of today’s American Muslim community. This is what we need to remember as Black History Month begins next Monday in the U.S.

Islam first came to North America through the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Some estimates say up to 20 percent of the slaves shipped here from various parts of Africa were Muslim. Those who survived the horrific journey did their best to secretly retain their Islam under unimaginable torture and abuse at the hands of white slave masters.

These Muslims were part of a chain of Islam that began with people like Barakah, the Abyssinian woman Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon said was his “mother after my own mother”. And they continued to pass on their faith to America.

Black History Month is an excellent opportunity to learn about early history of Islam in our nation, as well as Black Muslim contributions to it. But contributions do not always translate into acceptance. Islamophobia remains a problem, not just in the U.S., but in our closest neighbor, Canada, as well. 

Today marks the fourth anniversary of the day that Alexandre Bissonnette entered the Quebec Islamic Cultural Centre in Quebec City and killed six Muslims and injured five others. He was inspired not just by local Islamophobes, but by right-wing American influencers who continue to reap the profits of their Islamophobia.

This year, the Canadian government has decided to mark January 29 as a national day of remembrance to honour the victims and express solidarity with the survivors. The day will also be used to promote action against Islamophobia. We welcome this effort and pray that we learn from the past and not repeat hate and violence we should have moved long past. God created humanity to know one another, and the most honored by Him are those who are best in character (Quran 49:13). 

Sound Vision Team

Expand Your Understanding of Islam in Early America

The history of slavery in America is extensive and the ramifications of that injustice are still haunting the country today. It is important to understand that Islam was also part of that equation. As Muslims we must know and also tell the whole truth as it relates to our own history in this land.

Barakah: A Notable African Muslim Woman
Many of us know that the Prophet lost both of his parents at an early age. "Be a mother to him, Barakah. And don't ever leave him," his mother Amina instructed Barakah about her young son as she lay dying.

Islam and the African American Ethos

Although it has not been acknowledged, the movement of Islam, which does not portray man as a 'sinner' from birth but proclaims that man was made in the best mold, has infused true dignity, confidence and well-being in thousands of African-Americans.

Sound Vision’s Black History Month Page

Sound Vision will begin a new semester of its online children's program on February 1. Register ASAP so your children don't miss a single opportunity to learn to love Allah, turn to the Quran, follow the Prophet, and explore the world with a special lens. We follow a traditional Islamic Studies curriculum but deliver it with storytelling, songs, art and cooking projects, and more. Children are eager to attend and parents are excited about having high-quality instruction and great role models in the safety of their homes. Our Adam's World Club and Colors of Islam Club classes serves two separate age groups.

Click Here  For Details and Online Registration

Friday Khutba with Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid 

Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid has been consistently giving Khutbas every Friday since the lockdown due to COVID began. Although many Masjids have reopened, not everyone has access to the learning opportunity that Khutbas offer, which is why he has continued to offer them. This week’s topic will be
Bring society Back to Godliness" Watch it here.

*** If your masjid is open for Juma with social distancing, that is where you want to be. However, if you cannot, then watch virtual Khutba and then offer with family Zuhr salat together. . 

Click Here For Khutba

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