Top 50 High Risk Acronyms Parents Need to Know |

Top 50 High Risk Acronyms Parents Need to Know

Understanding these acronyms can help parents recognize and address potential risky behaviors their children might be engaging in online or through messaging.

  • 1174 - Party Meeting Place 
  • 420 - Marijuana 
  • 53X - Sex 
  • 9 - Parent Watching 
  • 99 - Parent Gone 
  • ADR - Address 
  • ASL - Age, Sex, Location 
  • CD9 - Code 9 (parents nearby) 
  • CU46 - See You For Sex 
  • DOC - Drug Of Choice 
  • F2F - Face To Face 
  • GNOC - Get Naked On Camera 
  • GYPO - Get Your Pants Off 
  • IPN - I'm Posting Naked 
  • IWSN - I Want Sex Now 
  • KPC - Keeping Parents Clueless 
  • LH6 - Let's Have Sex 
  • LMIRL - Let's Meet In Real Life 
  • MOS - Mom Over Shoulder 
  • NIFOC - Naked In Front Of Computer 
  • P911 - Parent Alert 
  • PA - Parent Alert 
  • PAL - Parents Are Listening 
  • PAW - Parents Are Watching 
  • PIR - Parent In Room 
  • POS - Parent Over Shoulder 
  • PRON - Pornography 
  • RU/18 - Are You Over 18? 
  • RU/OK - Are You Okay? 
  • TWD - Texting While Driving 
  • WTTP - Want To Trade Pictures? 
  • WYRN - What's Your Real Name?

It's crucial to maintain open communication with children about the risks associated with these behaviors and encourage responsible digital citizenship.

For more resources related to online safety, visit Parenting Tips: Cyber Safety and Responsibility from the Institute for Responsible Online and Cellphone Communication.

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