There's a blackout and Adam hasn't heard from the company that promised him $200,000 for the contest he entered. Adam is depressed. But not to worry: his friend Asad explains that we should be thanking Allah in every circumstance, when we're happy and when we're sad.
"Thank You Allah" is the sixth episode in the Adam's World series and it highlights important lessons about thanking Allah for all of our blessings.
But thanking Him, as the video explains, is not just about saying "Alhamdu lillah". Behavior plays a part as well.
For instance, a mean pirate treats a fellow passenger on his ship badly, but when a storm puts them in peril, he starts pleading for Allah's help. However, after the storm subsides, he reverts to his meanness. Another storm occurs. After pleading again, he finally thanks Allah and treats his passenger nicely.
One segment in the video talks about alcohol and gambling in its various forms, stressing their harmfulness. Scenes of a slot machine and other gambling paraphernalia lead to shots of the poor and homeless as the narrator explains how gambling leads people to such a terrible situation.
Another segment shows Adam, the wonder journalist, interviewing an obnoxious Texan millionaire in his jet. This man hoards his money and does not give to the poor. Adam also interviews an elderly-woman-turned-young by plastic surgery who has spent thousands of dollars to change the way she looks, but has given nothing to the needy.
As is usual with most of the Adam's World videos, a focus on one part of the Muslim world is included. This time Adam and Asad travel to Morocco with the help of the transvisualizer. The country's architecture, culture and mouth watering food are some of the things viewers get a glimpse of, as well as an understanding of the country's connection to Muslim history.
There is also a nice segment on cleanliness, stressing its importance in Islam, in which three young Muslim girls about to eat a meal ask each other if they have washed their hands. One of them hasn't.
Thank You Allah may be more appropriate for older kids who can better understand concepts like money issues, gambling and spending on the needy, and who may be less in need of fancy 3-D graphics to keep their attention. Teach your kids gratefulness for all that Allah has blessed them with with Thank You Allah.
A first time visitor says...:
"I get this Soundvision newsletter every new season, and find it extremely informative and interesting. For example last time, around Eid time, they had very helpful and creative tips on making Eid a truly wholesome experience for kids in the US. This time it's all about vacationing and having fun in the summer. In addition, they have listings of books and videos that we can buy online. I can personally guarantee the high quality of their products (They're not paying me to say this) for all ages." Saima M., Illinois
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