Unlike the Jewish community of the US, Muslims in America have neither money power nor media power. Muslims in America, however, do have one weapon with which they can move forward provided they unite to use it effectively: their vote.
Christmas is an annual Christian religious holiday commemorating the birth of Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him. Muslims have to remember that for practicing Christians, Christmas really is about Jesus.
Do Muslims celebrate Christmas? Although the history of relations between Muslims and Christians hasnot always been good, it is important to remember that Muslims always stood for a society where the rights of all individuals are not only tolerated, but respected and protected.
With the ubiquitous decorations, Santa Claus beckoning, and classmates anxiously awaiting their presents, your kids are probably wondering once again: what's the big deal about Christmas?
The Muslim government and the Muslims of a given Islamic state are obliged to protect and respect Christians and their institutions as a protected minority. Now is the time for not just condemnation, but also comfort and reassurance in the face of this tragedy.
Muslim teachers take various approaches to dealing with Christmas. Regardless of what way is chosen, this is still an ideal time to discuss with your class the personality of this great Prophet and Messenger of God.