This is a video review of "Adam's World 6: Thank You Allah", which focuses on teaching young Muslims the importance of gratefulness to Allah after Adam "loses" the opportunity of a lifetime, meets a miserly millionnaire, as well as a plastic surgery-seeking "young" lady.
This is a video review of the Sound Vision production "Let's Pray", which focuses on teaching young Muslims, in particular, how to perform the daily Islamic prayers, as well as make Wudu, the ablution made before each of them.
A personal perspective on the 2004 detention of Yusuf Islam, the former Cat Stevens, by U.S. immigration authorities. The author is a personal friend who shares his concern for the artist, who was later released.
Today, there are many aspiring new Muslim filmmakers in North America. I hope at least some of them will pick up what Al-Akkad started, by pushing the bar of quality of Islamic productions higher and higher.
This is a suggested syllabus for introductory and basic study of the Quran and Islam in general. It can be used by an English-speaking adult who wants to gain an understanding of the essentials of the faith.
This is a suggested course of study of Islam at the intermediate level. It is for an English-speaking adult who knows more than the basics of the faith and is ready to take his or her knowledge to the next phase.