Zakat committees are a necessary structure to ensure the good collection and proper distribution of Zakat in Muslim communities. Here are a few guidelines and an etiquette that Zakat committee members need to keep in mind when giving out Zakat.
Wouldn't it be great to give charity as a family? You can do this in a systematic way by setting up a family Sadaqa box in a particular spot of the house. Then, convince each person to put a portion of their allowance or salary in this box.
Imams definitely have a role to play in helping the poor and needy of their communities. If you're an Imam there are a number of things you can do on an educational and practical level to help. Here are some ideas.
Those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah and do not follow up their spending by stressing their benevolence and causing hurt, will find their reward secure with their Lord. They have no cause for fear and grief.
In today's world, where so many wake up in poverty and go to sleep hungry, each of us must ask: "How can I help?" It is a sin to waste food while others do not have enough to eat. The food we waste in America every year can feed 49 million people per year.
What can you, a teenager who doesn't have a lot of money or resources, do to help the needy and poor? More than you think. Most young adults are blessed with the creativity and intelligence to find ways to help others despite limited resources. Here are some tips.
Pornography and the culture of pornography has all the three elements which God has prohibited in the above verse of the Quran: Fuhsha; Munkar, Baghi. May Allah keep us all safe and pure spiritually and physically.