The Godhra train incident is what most reports about the violence in Gujurat, India point to as the starting point for the barbarism and massacre of Muslims that followed. This is why it is critical to understand exactly what happened there.
State officials of Gujarat, India were directly involved in the killings of hundreds of Muslims and are now engineering a massive cover-up of the state's role in the violence, Human Rights Watch charged in a new report.
Gone is the time when Gandhi, his ideas, and his Congress party were the dominant players in India, today the party whose member was convicted of killing Gandhi, is the dominant game in India.
Two trends are largely responsible for the rise in homelessness over the past 15- 20 years: a growing shortage of affordable rental housing and a simultaneous increase in poverty. Below is an overview of current poverty and housing statistics.
Imam Khalid Griggs reminds us that Muslims are divinely mandated to attend to the social needs of neighbors, not just in Muslim countries, but in America as well, where poverty is not as evident.