When I first saw Ramadan Around the World by Ndaa Hassan, what stood out to me was not the smiling moon, nor the hanging lanterns, nor the ethnic diversity of the children. What caught my eye most was the Muslim boy sitting front and center, and happy in his wheelchair.
Schools of all kinds should be welcoming places. A community of children from families that are similar and different, all celebrated for their uniqueness and potential. When that is not the case, children feel the effects deeply.
Although Muslims around the world are abstaining from food and water for almost the entire day for the month of Ramadan, many of us tend to gain weight during the month.
In 1999, Muslim Youth of North America (MYNA) produced a music tape of Islamic songs and rap for Muslim Youth. The internationally renowned Muslim rap group Native Deen was one of the artists on this particular tape.
As parents, we know that having a peaceful home is nearly impossible with busy children plowing through our living space. In any location that houses little people, noise, toys, crumbs, crayons, and messes abound. However, this does not mean that we cannot have a peace-filled home.