Through social media, your Masjid can nurture its online community, and deepen relationships with members in your community. By engaging with your members online, you can increase their involvement in Masjid events and programs, boost fundraising, and drive up attendance.
The great thing about Facebook events is that it allows the maximum number of people to hear and learn about your event without you having lost a significant amount of money and time to promotion. Here’s how to successfully run an event on Facebook.
"The Earth is a mosque, and everything in it is sacred." This is the first line in Ibrahim Abdul Matin’s book, and it shows the clear connection between environmentalism and faith, Islam in specific.
Masjids are generally successful when it comes to fundraising, but there’s always a cause that needs sponsoring, along with maintenance of the mosque itself. To maximize your Masjid’s donations, here are a few tips.
Masjids do great work and are generally successful when it comes to rallying Muslims and generating funds for Masjid work and projects. But one thing that never changes is the constant need for funds.
When the snow falls, the days get shorter, the nights get longer, and all you want to do is sit at home by the fireplace and hibernate until spring. But life goes on and it is important to stay productive. Here are a few tips to maximizing your productivity during the chilly months.
Engaging your child in conversation is easier said than done. But they won’t be the one to change in your relationship - it has to be you. You’re the parent, it’s your responsibility.