Here are a series of disturbing statistics from various sources about the plague of domestic violence that continues to make millions of women, children and men suffer in America.
Like talking to children about sex, discussing how to handle pornography is no easy feat. Here are some ideas and talking points for how to bring it up so you can give your child the Islamic perspective.
Credit cards, even when being used carefully are better avoided. There are clear alternatives, like the debit card for avoiding this possible trap for Riba. Let's commit to stop the habit of charging and be more realistic in our financial dealings.
There are ways you can cut back and increase cash on a regular basis without resorting to extreme measures. Here are some tips to help you save without compromising quality and/or service.
Creating a personal financial plan should be simple enough. It doesn't have to be a jungle of incomprehensible figures. Using a one-person example, here's a sample guide that can help.
ISNA's matrimonial service has been in place since 1985. While it has been the subject of numerous jokes by some, this method of seeking marriage is much more acceptable than going at it alone.
If you are planning to print a card for your marriage or waleema, it is a good idea to print some Quranic text on the front of the card. Here are some sample ayahs (verses) from the Quran.