We are currently in that time of year when the holidays are on people’s minds. Christmas lights brighten the neighborhood at night, holiday specials are plentiful on TV, and even advertisements adopt Christmas themes.
Christmastime can be a time of stress for American Muslims because it is a month-long celebration of television shows, movies, songs, posters, commercials and activities that are unavoidable due to the level of proliferation.
Do Muslims celebrate Christmas? Although the history of relations between Muslims and Christians hasnot always been good, it is important to remember that Muslims always stood for a society where the rights of all individuals are not only tolerated, but respected and protected.
Christmas is an annual Christian religious holiday commemorating the birth of Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him. Muslims have to remember that for practicing Christians, Christmas really is about Jesus.
With the ubiquitous decorations, Santa Claus beckoning, and classmates anxiously awaiting their presents, your kids are probably wondering once again: what's the big deal about Christmas?
I grew up saturated in Christmas every December. I loved the minty tang of candy canes, the Christmas specials of my favorite sitcoms, and the days off from school. But I was, and am, a Muslim.