Every Friday we hear the Imam conclude his sermon by reciting the following verse of the Quran:
"Surely God enjoins justice, kindness and the doing of good, to kith and kin; and He forbids all that is shameful, indecent, evil, rebellious and oppressive." InnaAllah Yamuru bil adel, wal ehsane, wa itae zil qurba; wa yanha anil fuhshae, wal munkari walbaghi; yaizukhum lallakum tazakkaroon. (Quran 16:90)
Pornography and the culture of pornography has all the three elements which God has prohibited in the above verse of the Quran: Fuhsha; Munkar, baghi. Here is a bit of terminology before we review the rest of the evidence on the question is watching porn haram.
According to the Al-Mawrid Arabic-English dictionary of Munir Baalbaki, Fuhash is obscenity, vulgarity, indecency, shamelessness and something that is dirty, filthy and foul. Al-Mawrid's English-Arabic dictionary translates pornographic as Fahish. The Hans Wehr Dictionary Of Modern Written Arabic adds monstrosity, abomination, vile deed and fornication to its meaning as well.
Fuhsha, translated as anything shameful, is a Quranic term which in the Quran and Hadith has been used widely for unIslamic sexual behavior. The Quran uses it as in the above verse (Quran 16:90). It is a set of vices that embraces the whole range of evil and shameful deeds. Scholars of the Quran have included every vice which is intrinsically of a highly reprehensible character into this category whether it be fornication, nudity, public foreplay as depicted in films and photos, pornography, hurling abuses and curse words, promiscuous mixing, or dresses designed to expose the body. At the highest level of Fuhsha, Allah has included adultery (Quran 17:32) and same gender sex (Quran 7:80; 27:54).
When asked, is watching porn haram? All scholars agree pornography is included in the term Fuhsha.
Al-Mawrid English - Arabic Dictionarydescribes Munkar as gross, abominable, detestable, atrocious, outrageous, flagrant.
As a major Quranic term it means something which is universally acknowledged as bad and immoral. This category includes all evils which have been unanimously condemned by the human conscience and which have been forbidden by Divine Law in all ages.
People of all faiths abhor watching porn. Even the norms of American society do not allow its propagation in mainstream newspapers and prime time TV, forcing it to hide in dark alleys. Those who are addicted to watching porn try to watch it mostly discreetly. This indicates that it is a universally accepted immoral act which Quran calls al-Munkar.
According to Al-Mawrid English - Arabic dictionary, this term means wrong, injustice, outrage, and transgression.
Al-Baghi in the Quranic terminology means transgression and trespassing into the space and the rights of others, whether those rights be of God or of a fellow human being. Pornography is a transgression towards God as well as towards human beings and animals. The pornographic industry trespasses on the rights of women especially by turning them into sex objects. Pornographic emails trespass the private email boxes of Americans at least four times a day.
God is Against Pornography (Fuhsha) whether Open or Hidden
"Tell them (O Muhammad): 'My Lord has only forbidden indecent acts, whether overt or hidden?"
innama haram rabbial fawahisha ma zahar aminha wma batan.. (Quran 7:33).
Therefore, the question is watching porn haram is answered and other indecent acts in the privacy of the home or on the internet is also forbidden.
Allah Asks Us Not to Even Go Close to It
"Say to them (O Muhammad!) ?do not even draw near to things shameful–be they open or secret;? " (Quran 6:151 partial)
?wa la taqrabul fawahisha ma zahara minha wa ma batan?
Allah has mentioned this instruction along with shirk and murder which means that Allah considered shameful things like watching porn among the major sins.
Allah knows best. He knows His creation. He knows that we are weak. Therefore, He likes us to stay away from shameful things.
Those who Propagate Shameful things among the Believers
"Verily those who love that indecency should spread among the believers deserve a painful chastisement in the world and in the Hereafter. Allah knows, but you do not know." Quran 24:19
Innal lazeena yuhibbuna an tasheeal fahishatu fillazeena amanou lahum azabun aleemun fid dunya wal akhirate, wallahu yalamu wa antum la talamoon.
The words used in the verse (fahishatu) embrace all the various forms that might be used to spread shameful and lewd behavior though any means be it pictures, films, or internet.
Don't follow Satan
At several places in the Quran, God warns us not to follow the steps of Satan: "He will incite you for shameful things (fuhsha) and encourage you to do universally accepted wrong things (al-munkar) Quran 24:21
Restrain Your Gaze & Guard Your Private Parts
"Enjoin believing men to restrain their gaze and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Surely Allah is well aware of all what they do.
And enjoin believing women to restrain their gaze and guard their private parts and additionally not to reveal their adornment except that which is revealed of itself." Quran 24:30-31
Sayings of the Prophet: Hadith
No man or woman should look at the naked body of each other (unless married). Sahih Muslim
By God, I would prefer to be thrown from the skies and spatterred in parts than to look at someone's private parts or let someone look at my private parts. Narrated by Salman. Almabsooth kitabul istehsan.
Don't expose your thigh to anyone and don't look at the thigh of any person even if s/he is dead. Narrated Ali ibn abi Talib. Ibn e Maja, Abi Dawud, Darqutani. Tafseer Kabeer
Once someone's thigh was open in public. The Prophet said don't you know thigh is supposed to be kept covered? Jerhad Aslami. Muatta Imam Malik, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud
Allah has written for Adam's son his share of adultery which he commits inevitably. The adultery of the eyes is the sight (to gaze at a forbidden thing), the adultery of the tongue is the talk, and the inner self wishes and desires and the private parts testify all this or deny it. Abu Hurairah. Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud.
Other Scholarly Perspectives
"It's absolutely Haram," notes Shaykh Muhammad Nur Abdullah. He is the Imam of the Islamic Foundation of Greater St. Louis in Missouri.
"If someone is looking at someone committing Zina (sex outside of marriage) whether it is in movies or pictures or the actual thing, it's all Haram," he adds.
"Pornographic pictures and movies are haram (prohibited). Muslims should not watch, sell or make such movies. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, is reported to have said: 'The eyes commit adultery, the tongue commits adultery, the hands commit adultery, the feet commit adultery and then the private parts confirm it or deny it." (Reported by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)
"This means that watching pornographic movies, listening to such songs or singing them, using one's hands and feet for this purpose, all these are sins that are related to Zina and then the final act of Zina takes place through haram intercourse." Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi
So, is watching porn by Logging in and browsing pornographic sites is forbidden? Yes, because a Muslim is always commanded to lower his/her gaze, let alone give a loose rein to his/her ? eyes to look at the private parts of others.
May Allah keep us all safe spiritually and physically.
Asalamu alaikum. Thank You Very Much, very good and informative. May Allah guide us.
Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuh.Thank you for adding like this articles. Because mostly people they think that is normal watching porno movies and even having sex with other religion's girls. And they says that "in Quran has written only don't have sex with Muslim girls". But I was thinking that both of the way they are wrong and now I totally made a sure that they are wrong. Thank you one more time.
Thank you for this article. I am worried and tensed coz i can not come out of my porn addiction no matter how hard I try. And I always feel scared after watching it. Wat can I do now. Allah will punish me for this.
I have now learned that watching porn is a horrible deed. It is better taking your time in reading the Quran and praying namaz. Excellent artical. it is very informative.
Aslamu Alaykum, I am 13 and by accident I remembered that my cousin put that website and I did not know about it earlier but now I was watching it. I was tempted to do it as it was haram, MAY ALLAH FORGIVE ME FOR DOING WHAT I WAS NOT DOING RIGHT IN THE BEGINNING. May Allah Protect Us From the Wrong Way. Inshallah it will be gone
What has worked for me is simple...lower your gaze..Just don't look at the opposite sex (which includes movies, advertisments, magazines).. lower your gaze.... try it.. you will be better able to control your desires and feel much better...Inshallah...It also helps a lot to increase your knowledge of Islam...May Allah guide us all.
If a person had watch porn and has repented and does not want to watch it anymore as its not allowed in islam and after 1 hr is the time for prayer, does that person needs to take a shower before praying because he saw naked people having sex in the porn? Urgent matter!
If a person had watch porn and has repented and does not want to watch it anymore as its not allowed in islam and after 1 hr is the time for prayer, does that person needs to take a shower before praying because he saw naked people having sex in the porn? Urgent matter!
MASHALLAH.........SUBHANALLAH.........thank you very much for posting this.......its a real eye opener
nice awareness lesson for all muslims and also for non muslims. sadly alot of young especially males are in that danger of looking at porns. may Allah protect us all from that wrong path.
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