The human heart is the most meaningful part of our human existence both physically and spiritually. In the womb, the heart is the first organ to begin developing and transporting blood and nutrients to the embryo.
Muslims are directed in the Quran to eat food that is Halal and Tayyib. Halal is defined as food that is permissible according to Islamic law. Tayyib means wholesome, pure, nutritious and safe.
This article is not about the glory of Islamic Medicine made under the light if Quran and Sunnah, of past 1000 years which produced great physicians like al Razi and Ibn Sina. This article is also not about virtues of honey, the center point of discussion in most of the articles written these days on Islamic Medicine.
As winter rolls on, millions of people experience some range of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a mood condition that is otherwise known as “the winter blues.” Luckily, you can change your situation.
The vast majority of diseases are related to our diet and the Islamic lifestyle as prescribed by Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, is an ideal course of prevention for many diseases, including those of the heart.
Halal and healthy is part of Sharia, the Islamic way of life. It reflects balance, moderation, clean living, all with the aim of pleasing God and maintaining optimum health.