This unique portal offers not just spiritual upliftment, but practical ways to make the most of Ramadan, the blessed month of fasting and seeking closeness to God. Hundreds of tips and thoughtful advice await.
When was the last time you cried? Not a few drops of salty water from your eyes, or the odd tear that slipped down your face while watching a tragic event. I'm talking about warm tears of the heart.
The pressure is on to ensure a smooth and easy days until Ramadan in the last week before the blessed month begins. Here are some things to keep in mind as we reach the last days before it begins. These are the days of finalizing the following things:
Over one billion people worldwide live on $1 a day on ramadan food. And that includes everything not just food. Those of us blessed to enjoy a table full of a variety of foods when we break our fasts perhaps don’t consider this.
How to greet Muslim in Ramadan? This Ramadan, let’s make “empathy” the theme of this Ramadan, develop good, caring habits, and keep them up throughout the year. Here are some ideas for reaching out to your neighbors during Ramadan.
Just like we make preparations well in advance when a favorite guest is coming, we, as mothers, have to prepare in advance for Ramadan, so that we don’t waste time during the precious month.
If you feel your boss or supervisor is someone who will understand your situation, write an early leave request letter for Ramadan to your supervisor and consider it sending before Ramadan begins, to avoid any inconvenience.