Becoming pregnant while breastfeeding can cause a conundrum: should you stop nursing your child? Will breastfeeding harm the fetus in any way? Can you continue to nurse your toddler after the baby is born?
As pro-choice Americans storm the U.S. Supreme Court in anguish over the potential repealing of the longstanding abortion legislation Roe vs. Wade, the substance of the debate is lost in the political melee.
She was also a reformer. She did not like associating anyone with God. When she refused to prostrate (sajdah) to the grave of a family elder as women in that village used to do, she was called a “wahhabi.” But this hanafi woman did not budge.
Here are the words to the original Mother’s Day Proclamation. The original Proclamation was an impassioned call for peace and disarmament around the world.
I can’t remember a day she did not find some way to serve those in need. Whether it was providing food for the hungry, a shoulder to cry on or just a listening ear, she was a dynamo of service.