From the Kid's Kitchen
This recipe is fun and easy. These chocolate fruit and nuts can be put in pretty containers and given to friends and family as Eid gifts or serve them when people come to visit you on Eid.
3/4c semi-sweet chocolate
whole mixed nuts (brazil, almond, cashew, walnut)
dried fruit
mom or dad to help
Boil some water in a saucepan until it begins to bubble. Break the chocolate up into a bowl, and put the bowl over the saucepan on a low heat. Stir the chocolate with a wooden spoon until it melts completely. Turn off the heat, and very carefully remove the bowl from the stove. One at a time dip the fruits and nuts halfway into the chocolate. Put the dipped fruits and nuts on waxed paper to dry.
*ALWAYS ask an adult to help you when you are using a hot pan.
Photo Attribution: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chocolate_strawberries.jpg
aa,thats a lovely reciepe!!!ws,sisterinislam
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