(Chicago, IL, November 7, 2008) MuslimVotersUSA, a grassroots American Muslim political advocacy group conducted an online survey of American Muslim voters. The survey was conducted Nov 4-5, 2008. Results show that 94% voted for Barack Obama while 3% voted for John McCain. The survey had a margin of error of 4%.
Nearly 59% of the respondents supported Obama with reservations.
The survey was sent via email to over 6,000 voters from which 512 responded. The survey is not scientific but reasonably representative of the American Muslim voter.
Results also show that 17% of the voters were first-time voters and a quarter did not vote in 2004. While the American Muslim electorate remains Democratic, Obama was able to significantly increase his share of the American Muslim vote.
Although the American Muslim voter has been voting overwhelmingly Democratic in the past two Presidential elections, most voters view themselves as politically moderates.
Demographically nearly half of the voters were female. 68% described themselves as Sunni, 6.5% as Shia, and 25% as just a Muslim.
The racial breakdown was not as representative of the community. 60% of the respondents identified themselves as South Asian, 15% as Arab, 10% as White and 6% as African American.
22% of the respondents were between ages of 30-39; 19% 25-29 and 15% were between 50-59.
34% reported annual incomes between $75,000 to $150,000; 23% reported incomes of more than $200,000; 9% reported incomes of less than $29,000.
74% reported completing a graduate degree or better; 14% have not attained a college degree yet.
Nearly 42% of the respondents were born in the United States.
On issues the economy ranked as the number one concern, followed by foreign policy and civil rights.
The most important factor in voting for the candidate was their vision for the future. 70% of the voters chose their candidate based on their positions on issues. 30% choose their candidates based on character.
76% of respondents viewed McCain as being too negative and unfairly attacking Obama.
"Barack Obama, crowd and endorsers at Hartford rally, February 4, 2008" by Ragesoss - Own work. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 via Wikimedia Commons - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Barack_Obama,_crowd_and_endorsers_at_Hartford_rally,_February_4,_2008.jpg#mediaviewer/File:Barack_Obama,_crowd_and_endorsers_at_Hartford_rally,_February_4,_2008.jpg
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