Optimism Is An Act of Worship; 10 Reasons to Stay Positive | SoundVision.com

Optimism Is An Act of Worship; 10 Reasons to Stay Positive

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Assalamu alaikum:

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Hoping for good is also an act of worship of Allah” (Tirmidhi and Hakim).

This makes it clear that worship that brings us closer to God is not just restricted to praying five times a day, fasting in Ramadan, paying Zakat, and making Hajj. Optimism is also worship, and we need to keep consciously practicing it every day. Like praying, fasting, and giving charity it is a choice we make. 

The Prophet was a fountain of optimism. Despite his own trying financial situation and the abuse hurled at him throughout the Makkan period of his prophethood, he remained extremely positive. He was constantly looking for ways to bring relief to the persecution of the first group of believers.

When he went to the town of Taif to do this, he was pelted with stones and rejected by its people. When God sent angels who gave him a choice to destroy the people of Taif for the way they had treated him, he said, "No, I hope that God will bring out from their offspring people who worship Him alone and associate no partners with Him."

It was a man born to these abusers of Taif who, within 80 years, brought Islam to South Asia, which is now home to almost one-third of all Muslims in the world. The 17-year-old Muhammad bin Qasim was the son of the Thaqafi tribe of Taif, the same city where the Prophet could not find a single believer, but was hopeful that if not they, then their children would find their way to God. It was the character of Muhammad bin Qasim which helped lead the people of this land to  Islam. 

Optimism works. It helps us get through difficulties in the present, and it allows us to see beyond today. Optimism is a Sunnah. Let’s start practicing it more consciously. 


Sound Vision Team 

What Would Muhammad do? The Prophet of Forgiveness and Hope

The Prophet had hope for the future. He didn't lash out at God for putting him in this situation. Nor did he feel that the way things had turned out at Taif would remain this way or that his cause was no longer worth pursuing. The Prophet also remained optimistic about the situation and the future.

11 Sayings of the Prophet to Inspire Optimism
Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, was a beacon of hope for those around him. His ever-beaming smile would exude optimism. His words, whether of warning or of good news, inspired positive action. Here is a selection of some powerful sayings of the Prophet to help us stay positive and productive in all circumstances.

5 Tips for Staying Positive During Turbulent Times

Whatever state and level our faith is in, use this time to improve and turn towards Allah, the only One Who can turn things around for the better. This is the number one thing for peace of mind, as Allah also states, “Verily in the remembrance of Allah, hearts find rest” (Quran 13: 28).

10 Ways to Instill Optimism in Young Muslims
Tip #9: Question Media Cynicism: Cynicism and pessimism are cool in youth culture, particularly in sitcoms and movies. They are also reflected in the dark humor you’ll find in them. Take some time to watch a couple of television shows or movies with your child or a young Muslim you are close to and openly question these displays of negativity, without attacking the program or film. Simply ask so that they can come to their own conclusions.

Help your children learn to love Allah, turn to the Quran, follow the Prophet, and explore the world with a special lens. We follow a traditional Islamic Studies curriculum but deliver it with storytelling, songs, art and cooking projects, and more. Children are eager to attend and parents are excited about having high-quality instruction and great role models in the safety of their homes.

Click Here For Details and Online Registration

Friday Khutba with Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid 

Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid has been consistently giving Khutbas every Friday since the lockdown due to COVID began. Although many Masjids have reopened, not everyone has access to the learning opportunity that Khutbas offer, which is why he has continued to offer them. This week’s topic will be
Finding Hope" Watch it here.

*** If your masjid is open for Juma with social distancing, that is where you want to be. However, if you cannot, then watch virtual Khutba and then offer with family Zuhr salat together. . 

Click Here For Khutba

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