Summer Learning Loss: 7 Tips; Teacher Appreciation Gifts; Muslim Dad To Grads |

Summer Learning Loss: 7 Tips; Teacher Appreciation Gifts; Muslim Dad To Grads

In this newsletter

We have Changed Khutba Time: It will Start at 1 PM EST/12 PM CST

Assalamu alaikum:

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said, "He who does not thank people, does not thank Allah" (Ahmad, Tirmidhi).

As the school year ends, it is crucial to thank our children’s teachers, teacher assistants, and principals for an incredible job done. Many were teaching classes online and in-person; they had to adjust lesson plans, manage classroom behavior in an unprecedented manner, and were stressed and burned out like never before. 

And let’s not forget: many were doing that as they managed their own children, families, and financial and health challenges. Some caught COVID-19 themselves as they struggled to handle the pandemic’s restrictions and challenges. 

Please make sure to write or have your child write at least a thank you note as classrooms close their doors in the coming days. A gift is also appreciated and we have some gift ideas in this regard this week.

While summer is a time for fun, learning, and preparation for the next level of learning, cannot take a backseat. This is why we must make sure to prevent summer learning loss. We offer seven ways to do that in this update, so that you can make sure your child is ready for the coming school year. 

While academics are important, the spiritual aspect of moving to the next level of education or life, from high school to college, or college to graduate school or the working world cannot be minimized. This week, one Muslim father offers a heartfelt letter of advice to Muslim high school graduates. We also have suggestions on what Muslim high school graduates can do this summer to prepare for college spiritually. 

May Allah bless all educators with the rest and rejuvenation they need this summer. May all of our children and graduates get a much-needed break during these next few weeks to not only relax, but to build and enhance what they have learned over the last year. May all of our graduates build their spiritual strength and love for Allah this summer to successfully face the challenges of college and the world, and reap its many benefits. 


Sound Vision Team 



Summer Before College: 5 Things Every Muslim High School Graduate Should Do
This summer is a time to build the spiritual reserves necessary to face this new chapter of life with strong faith. These are five things you can do in the coming weeks to prepare for your college experience as a Muslim student.

Advice From A Muslim Dad: 5 Post-Graduation Tips

High school graduation is not only symbolic and ceremonial in ushering in a new era of manhood or womanhood. Here is heartfelt, essential advice from a Muslim father to his high school graduate son or daughter.

7 Ways To Prevent Summer Learning Loss

While downtime and fun should definitely be on the agenda, it is also important to ensure that the hiatus from a structured learning environment – in-person or virtual school – does not result in summer learning loss. Here are 7 ways you can use the summer months to support and enhance further learning.

10 Teacher Appreciation Gifts

School teachers from preschool to college have been tasked to do more than ever before during the current pandemic. Our educators, whom we trust to teach our children or ourselves, have worked hard this year, and we acknowledge their efforts. If you are looking for an end-of-the-year gift for a teacher that is beyond a $10 gift card, here is a list of ideas that are not too costly, and would certainly be appreciated.


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Friday Khutba with Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid 

Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid has been consistently giving Khutbas every Friday since the lockdown due to COVID began. Although many Masjids have reopened, not everyone has access to the learning opportunity that Khutbas offer, which is why he has continued to offer them. This week’s topic will be
Who is Kafir" Watch it here.

*** If your masjid is open for Juma with social distancing, that is where you want to be. However, if you cannot, then watch virtual Khutba and then offer with family Zuhr salat together. . 

Click Here
For Khutba 1:00 PM EST/12:00 PM CST

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