Nurturing the Next Generation
Sound Vision
Have You Eaten Your Rainbow Today?
By Umm Ahmed
Generally, when we say, eating healthy, it refers to getting the right amount of calories, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients into our body. No matter your eating preferences, one of the best ways to ensure this is to add foods like fruits and vegetables to the daily diet. It can be a formidable challenge with children who are picky eaters though. Learn about how foods and their colors are indicative of certain vitamins and minerals and how you can use the visual of a rainbow to draw attention to the notion of eating well. And find out six tips to make healthy eating fun!
Parenting Tip
Healthy eating and healthy lifestyles start in the home. Be conscious of the choices you are making for yourself and your children as they have an impact now and into the future.
Learning from a Race between Spouses
By Wendy Díaz
When thinking about exercise and physical health, who better to learn from than our Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. The following is a story about a memorable moment between him and his wife, Aisha, the Mother of the Believers. It is about a race between spouses and what we can learn about health and fitness from them. Here are five takeaways to apply in your own life.
“Our body is an amana or trust from Allah and aiming to improve our health through adopting better eating habits and an active lifestyle is in direct accordance with our deen.”
Huda Amareh, Licensed Dietitian and Health Educator
Get your Kids Moving: The Benefits of Physical Activity
By Melissa Barreto
As soon as they’re aware of their bodies, children are actively trying to move them. When they’re babies and toddlers, we fuel them with tools and toys that encourage their movement while we clap and cheer them along. But later when they reach school-age, we give them new rules: Don’t run. Don’t jump. Don’t touch. Sit Still. The children and their need for movement didn’t change.
There are many benefits to keeping your kids active that go beyond just keeping them physically fit. Find out more about the science and suggestions for how to keep them active by reading the full article.
The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him said, “No human being has ever filled a container worse than his own stomach. The son of Adam needs no more than a few morsels of food to keep up his strength, doing so he should consider that a third of his stomach is for food, a third for drink and a third for breathing.” (Ibn Maja)
From a Midwife’s Desk: Prepping for Pregnancy
By Melissa J. Fleming
Humans have been having babies since our beloved mother and father, Hawa and Adam (may Allah’s mercy be upon them) and yet, it remains unique for each individual. From the moment we pray to become parents or happily stumble into pregnancy without even planning for it, our jobs as shepherds begin. If we are thoughtful, we prepare ourselves spiritually, mentally, and physically to approach pregnancy as best as we can. Find out more from the full article.
Some Interesting Facts
As an activity of Daily living, salah (prayer) is performed by Muslim believers at least 5 times a day; each prayer comprising of a certain number of repetitive units called rak'ah. When a Muslim offers fard or compulsory salah alone, these rak’ah are repeated a minimum of 17 times every day. The number of total rak'ah including all mandatory and optional prayers is approximately 48 rak’ah per day.
Three postures in salah - standing in takbir, bowing or ruku, and prostration or sajdah - have been investigated and compared to similar stretching exercises. Research suggests that salah has a positive musculoskeletal effect like stretching. Ibrahim and Siti, (2012)
Another study conducted on 32 male and female adults, showed that the energy cost of making two and four rak'ah prayers has a positive effect on metabolic function. For someone 80 kg or 175 lbs., the energy cost of daily prayers was about 80 calories per day and could be considered a form of physical activity that enhances fitness.
How a Dietitian Might Help
By Zahirah Lynn Eppard
Getting a handle on our health and that of our children is a very important responsibility. But there are times when we run into problems with illness or disease or when we know that we are not keeping good habits when it comes to our diets. Learn more about what a dietitian can do to help and also get three tips on how to feed a picky eater.
Adam’s World video - Adam’s Tummy Ache
Adam makes a milkshake while his mother is not home and finds out later why his tummy is hurting! (7:57)
Adam’s World Club classes target children ages 4-7. Creative hosts engage students with games, stories, songs, art and movement activities, cooking demonstrations and more! Live online classes take place Monday-Thursday from 4-4:30pm EDT.
Colors of Islam Club classes target children ages 8-12. Host teachers provide instruction on Islamic basics and challenge students to apply these lessons to everyday life. Live online classes take place every Saturday from 12-1:30pm EDT.
Visit Academy.AdamsWorld.org for more details and preview of four prerecorded classes that are coming soon.
The Sound Vision Foundation has been a trusted source of Islamic knowledge for more than 30 years. Our work with the world-renowned puppets Adam and Aneesah pioneered creative programming for Muslim children, encouraging them to learn about and love their religion. We continue to bring sound content and engaging programs that stimulate minds, touch hearts, and strive to fulfill our mission of raising better Muslims, better neighbors, and better citizens. This latest effort is designed to support and empower Muslim parents to do the same.
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