After more than two years of isolation and reduced interaction due to the ravages of COVID-19, it is time for community life again.
Although, Covid is not eradicated, science and medical authorities have been able to develop resources that afford us the ability to fight the virus if infected, and fortify our immune systems to lessen the negative effects. Surely, we pray Allah eases the hearts and hardships of all those families who have lost loved ones to the virus.
In May of 2022, the death toll from COVID total reached the 1 million mark. It is when we endure collective challenge that we should come together and fortify ourselves with the Quran and the company of the believers.
Although most Masjids and Islamic Centers have r-opened, there is still a sizable number of Muslims who continue to study and participate virtually. The ability to stay connected virtually was truly a blessing and eased the feelings of loneliness and disconnectedness we experienced during the height of the virus.
However, as we approach the summer season, there are many things we can do to bring back community life. We should make a concerted effort to look around and note ‘Who have I not seen for a while?” and then reach out to them. It is time for us to reconnect as a community of Muslims.
- Insha Allah, Hajj will be in early July this year. As we approach summer, we can make the intention to go on Hajj since Saudi Arabia has opened up so much more for pilgrims. This is the ultimate in community life, as the whole nation of Muslims around the world comes together to be obedient to Allah. The connectedness experienced by those performing Hajj or Umra is unparalleled to any other experience. There is still time to plan to make these pilgrimages. There are many travel agencies and companies that can offer packages within a particular budget or time constraint.
“And complete the Hajj and the Umrah for Allah…”(Quran 2:196)
- Summertime can be a time of overindulgence. It is also when many people in society are less reserved in their physical dress and behavior. Therefore, as Muslims we would benefit from being extra diligent in our Adab (manners and etiquette).
Fasting is a way to help strengthen our resistance to Haram acts. Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, fasting is only a shield by which the servant seeks protection from the Hellfire” (Musnad Ahmad).
Scholars agree that there are many Sunnah days for fasting outside of Ramadan, like fasting on Mondays and Thursday, fasting three days out of the month, on the day of Arafah, and fasting in general throughout the year. With that being the case, we can certainly plan on fasting, inviting others to do so, or checking if another Muslim is also fasting and then host an Iftar. Breaking fast and praying together strengthens the ties of brotherhood and sisterhood and faith amongst us.
During the summer months, the days are longer, but it also affords us time to return from our places of employment and prepare a nice Iftar for ourselves and the fasting believer. We have the added blessing and benefit of making Salah together.
Muslim Movie Night
- Many movie theaters in the U.S. host reduced priced movies during the summer months for families to enjoy. Muslims can host Muslim movie night with family and friends at our homes or even at the local Islamic Center. Many movies and shows about, starring, or by Muslims can be streamed online.
Sound Vision has a number of television shows on Muslim Network TV that can be paired with a movie and which facilitate discussion after the movie. Younger children can be brought together and watch several episodes from the Adam’s World collection together. The key is to come together in fellowship and share the experience.
Islamic Conference
- Although there are Muslim conferences throughout the year, many of the larger Muslim organizations like ICNA, ISNA, MAS, Mosque Cares, MAN, etc schedule conferences either just before the start of summer in April or May or close to the end of summer in August or September.
In addition, many academic institutions may have summer conferences that examine Islamic architecture, culture, economics, artifacts, heritage, traditions and other topics. Information and scheduled conferences can be found either by going to the particular website of the Muslim organization or even just googling Muslim/Islamic conferences and seeing what is available. Attending an Islamic conference is a wonderful way to learn, meet new Muslims, connect with ideas and programs that are important to you and fellowship with the believers. The experience of attending a conference can be enhanced when we schedule attending as a group by renting a bus or organizing a travel caravan to attend together.
Be Deliberate
- We must be ‘deliberate’ in getting Muslims back together. For example, if your area has a summer youth camp, then volunteering to be a chaperone and inviting others to do so is a way to connect with families and decrease isolation.
There are a thousand ways we can intentionally bring together the believers with outdoor activities like a picnic, field trip, kite flying, bowling, roller skating, hiking, ball games, beach walks or planting and maintaining a community garden. We can also schedule indoor activities like book club readings or discussions, tea parties, visiting museums and point of interest with friends, playing Islamic board games, Fajr and/or Maghrib Taleems (learning sessions), Quranic Arabic classes or weekly get-togethers just to be together and show love for each other.
- The most significant part of this thoughtful behavior is to be inclusive. We should be intentional in making sure that we invite, reach out to, call, and look in on all senior citizens, widows and widowers, single parents, anyone who has recently moved to our area, new converts and all youth. In Islam, coming together as a group is significant and ordained by Allah (SWT).
And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided….
(Quran 3:103)
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