Genocide in Palestine Is a Living Nightmare |

Genocide in Palestine Is a Living Nightmare

There are some dates we will never forget. For the current generation, it will be October 7th, 2023. The day that the Palestinian resistance fought back and launched an operation in occupied Palestine. The day that most of the world started to understand the oppression, occupation, and continued genocide of Palestinians since the 1940s. 

The narrative surrounding Palestine is often clouded by misinformation and has been overtaken by language that distorts reality. An ongoing war of propaganda has obscured and erased crucial facts about life for Palestinians. 

For more than a year, we have been locked in grief as we witness a genocide before our very eyes. Two-thousand-pound bombs are regularly dropped in residential neighborhoods, collapsing buildings, concrete crushing sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts, and uncles. The young and old, the feeble and the strong, become buried under the roof that used to provide shelter. The crushed bones, the expulsion of intestines, and the smashed skulls are for the fortunate. They leave this world and enter another where there is finally peace. 

See Destruction Rafah

Those left behind dig with their bare hands, hearts thumping, tears falling, yet uttering praise to Allah. We have seen the souls of souls. We have seen body parts in plastic bags, headless babies, burnt bodies, C-sections without anesthesia, and children reciting the Quran as they undergo painful treatment. We have seen power cuts and dead babies in incubators, genocide in hospitals, genocide in refugee camps, genocide in schools, and genocide on land and sea. 

See Refugee tents Deir Al Balah

This article aims to show the situation as it is. It is a horrific genocide that is downplayed by the media and Western governments. Three particular elements warrant special attention.


The relentless displacement of 2.3 million people, many of whom are forced to walk on foot due to the lack of transport or fuel, continues unabated. Families are living in refugee camps or even stranded on the open road. The disabled and elderly, seeking safety, often find themselves fleeing into even greater danger, only to face further displacement and the constant threat of violence.

See Palestinians fleeing Jabalia arrive at Gaza City

Western/U.S. Complicity

Western and U.S. complicity in enabling genocide has become painfully clear as they supply the latest weapons of slaughter and destruction. Most Western governments have disregarded the mass killings, choosing silence over justice. The resulting outcry and protests have been met with arrests, torture, and brutal crackdowns, with police using tear gas and batons against those who dare to stand for the truth. The facade of Western human rights and so-called “International law” has been thoroughly exposed.

Prisoners of War

As if the genocide wasn't enough, Palestinians are now being rounded up and confined in concentration camps under horrific conditions. They are forced to endure punishments like being denied the ability to sleep lying down and standing for hours on end—considered mild compared to the other atrocities. Reports of rape against both men and women are widespread, and some Israeli perpetrators justify these heinous acts. In a shocking display, Hanoch Milwidsky, an Israeli politician who currently serves as a member of the Knesset for Likud, when questioned about the legitimacy of inserting a stick into a person’s rectum, brazenly shouted, "Yes! If he is a Nukhba [Hamas militant], everything is legitimate to do! Everything!"

See UNRWA Nuseirat camp Deir Al Balah

Response of the Ummah

We cried, made dua, and sent money. This Ummah, the best of all, has witnessed its finest members being slaughtered and sacrificing everything in the face of relentless oppression. 

Al-Nu’man ibn Bashir reported that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: 

“The parable of the believers in their affection, mercy, and compassion for each other is that of a body. When any limb aches, the whole body reacts with sleeplessness and fever.”


The Ummah has shown that she is awake. But who is there to lead us to stop the genocide?

Response of Muslim Leaders

The leaders of the Ummah did not step forward to help; instead, they became complicit in the genocide. Egypt refused to open its borders despite the mass protests and daily gatherings of people pleading at the borders. Camped at the Egyptian and Jordanian borders, they begged to be allowed in to aid their Palestinian brothers and sisters. Meanwhile, the rulers of Muslim countries remained indifferent, maintaining diplomatic relations with Israel while doing nothing to alleviate the suffering. This Ummah is without proper leadership, still waiting for a savior to liberate Palestine and end the ongoing genocide.

Narrated by Ma'qil, may Allah be pleased with him, Allah's Messenger,  peace and blessings be upon him, said: 

"If any ruler having the authority to rule Muslim subjects dies while he is deceiving them, Allah will forbid Paradise for him."

(Sahih al-Bukhari, 7151)

Response of Non-Muslims

Thousands of non-Muslims have spoken up for Palestine, seeing for the first time the true face of its occupiers. Many have begun studying Islam and have recognized it as the truth, turning away from their previous way of life and converting to Islam. For ten months, countless people have protested weekly, risking their degrees and jobs to stand on the right side of history. Yet, despite these courageous efforts, the genocide continues unabated.

We have seen protests by Jews who have expressed their disgust at the genocide. They openly declare that the Zionist entity does not represent them. 

Common Misconceptions About the Situation in Palestine

Let’s identify the truths and myths around the issue often propagated in mainstream media.



There is a conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.

There is an occupation of a land called Palestine by a colonial settler state known as Israel.

There is a war in Gaza.

A war implies that both sides have an army. Israel has an army; Palestinians do not have an army. There are small resistance groups. There is a genocide in Gaza.

Palestinian fighters are terrorists.

The occupied people are resisting the occupier.

The problem started on October 7th, 2023.

The problem began when Jewish immigrants, led by groups like Irgun and Stern1, began raiding Palestinian villages in the 1940s. These wer terrorist gangs that used violence to remove palestinians from their homes. This was  the start of the genocide.

Palestine was uninhabited before the Zionists came and developed it.

Palestine was a vibrant land with well-developed cities, towns, industries, and essential local produce.

There has always been a war between all three religions in the area.

Under Islamic rule, Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived together in peace for centuries.


The question on our minds is when it will end. When will the people be allowed to live in peace and return home? When will the occupiers leave?  There seems to be no end in sight despite the world's public opinion against Israel. As Muslims, we know that Allah is the one who will bring liberation when we are sincerely striving for it. Allah tells us in the Qur’an that for change to come to any nation, it must bring changes within itself. 

“…Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. And when Allah intends for a people ill, there is no repelling it…”

(Surah Ar-Rad, 13:11)

This verse is often misunderstood to mean that we must work on ourselves individually. In Arabic, the word Qawm, meaning nation, is plural, and Unfushim, meaning themselves, is plural. This verse implies a collective effort and a collective change. We must address all aspects of our society. Our duas will only be effective when we take action, speaking out against the Munkar, the evil of the genociders, their enablers, and the silence of the rulers of Muslims.

On the authority of Abu Sa`eed al-Khudree, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: 

“Whosoever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then [let him change it] with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart—and that is the weakest of faith.” 


Allah tells us in the Quran to unite if we want oppression and corruption to end. It’s time to reflect deeply on the life of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, to understand the true solution for Palestine and Muslim unity.

“As for the disbelievers, they are guardians of one another. And unless you ˹believers˺ act likewise, there will be great oppression and corruption in the land.”

(Surah Anfa, 8:73)

May Allah bring his mercy on the Muslim Ummah and bring us righteous leadership to protect us. Ameen.

End Notes

1 A lookback at the Zionist terrorism that led to Israel's creation

Sample Lesson Plan:  Teaching about Genocide

Uzma Ahmed holds an MA in International Relations from Queen Mary University of London.  She has served as an educational consultant, primary school principal, curriculum developer, researcher in Islamic education, and teacher trainer for schools around the world. She actively contributes to the community by conducting courses on the Quran, Sirah, Islamic history, and personal development, and she is a public speaker on contemporary issues in the Muslim world. She has authored primary-level English textbooks, reading books, and 5D Thinking science workbooks. She contributes to curriculum development at the Islamic Curriculum Initiative. Currently, she is the Director of Education and Training at the Institute of Integrated Knowledge.

  1. Bombed out residential area 
  2. Aerial view of devastation 
  3. Bombed hospitals and schools 
  4. New refugee camps in Rafah 
  5. How they get water
  6. Transport – donkeys 
  7. People walking on foot – refugees.

Maps and infographics 

  1. The whole of Palestine
  2. Gaza Strip – look for links 
  3. Death toll according to age group 
  4. Number of orphans, amputations

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