While a myriad of resources in the U.S. are available for the general senior population to assist with paying for long-term care, such as Medicare and Medicaid, few resources exist specifically to assist aging Muslims. The following resources provide assistance with issues such as discrimination and difficulty finding a healthcare provider with shared religious values who will understand our spiritual and cultural norms.
American Muslim Health Professionals
American Muslim Health Professionals provides a national directory of Muslim-run free clinics that may assist Muslim seniors in locating free or low-cost health care provided by someone who understands their religion.
Contact contact@amhp.us for online form.
Institute for Muslim Mental Health
This organization collects social services resources, both nationally and locally, that may be of use to Muslims. These include both US and international directories of care providers, as well as access to state-specific resources. It also provides webinars and informational materials.
Contact (800) 273-8255 or mail@muslimmentalhealth.com for more information.
Islamic Social Services Association, USA
This organization collects social services resources, both nationally and locally, that may be of use to Muslims. These include both US and international directories of care providers, as well as access to state-specific resources. It also provides webinars and informational materials.
Contact (888) 415-9920 or info@issausa.org for an online form.
The Muslim Legal Fund of America provides federal-level legal representation for certain cases surrounding religious discrimination. They prioritize cases deemed to have a significant potential impact on civil rights and liberties. They also provide a wealth of civil rights resources surrounding religious freedom.
Contact (972) 331-9021 or info@mlfa.org for more information.
National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care
Long-term care ombudsmen can assist seniors with complaints about their long-term care facilities, such as not having their rights respected, being mistreated, being cared for improperly or reports about violations of state regulations. They can also assist with directing seniors and their families to facilities that may meet their needs.
For more details, see Memory Care Guide for Muslim Seniors.
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