The earlier a child gets habituated to writing well, the fewer bad habits they have to break, and the easier it is to internalize rules and guidelines.
While there are many excellent resources on and offline about how parents can handle bullying, there are some specific things you can do as a Musllim parent a child being bullied. Here are some suggestions.
It’s easy to fall into pessimism and despair, which is why parents, family members, and community leaders need to step in and help kick start some optimism. Here are ten ways do that.
Tips for muslim parents in america about talking to their children about terrorism. Take into account the age of your child and their sensitivity to violence before talking about it or allowing them to see shocking images on the news.
As the days lengthen and the weather warms, parents search for Halal ways to keep their children amused. Along with other fun ideas, consider a simple walk in the neighborhood park or conservation area.
It is more important than ever to make time for young Muslims. But that doesn’t have to mean hours of one-on-one interaction. Here are a few quick ways parents, as well as other adults, can bond with young Muslims.
The teenage years are usually characterized as years of turmoil, perhaps some rebellion, and plenty of confusion. But it doesn't have to be this way. Mentoring of the youth has many benefits. But it does take time and patience. Here are a few tips to get you started.