While there are many excellent resources on and offline about how parents can handle bullying, there are some specific things you can do as a Musllim parent a child being bullied. Here are some suggestions.
America's reaction to the torturous sexual abuse of Iraqi prisoners of war is a sign of a nation living its ideals. Although they are reacting to something extremely abhorrent and horrible, it gives me confidence in humanity and in America.
We destroyed our honor in the Muslim world with Abu Ghraib. Now, we have completely obliterated any respect for us by allowing our military officers to abuse the Islamic holy book. No wonder even Pakistan could not but express its outrage at the abuse of the Quran.
The photos of American soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners have stunned and disgusted the world. But it is their sexual humiliation that is garnering much of the attention. Most Americans may not be able to comprehend what type of cultural threshold has been crossed in terms of dealing with Islam and Muslims.
Human rights abuses have been a part of the campaign of the Indian army against Muslim Kashmiris, particularly after 1990. The oppression has been manifested in the following types of human rights abuses: “disappearances”, torture, rape and molestation of Muslim women.
In the Indian-held Kashmir - atrocities against Muslims have been, and are being, perpetrated with no fear of a corrective international response. To date, no one power or combination of powers has blown the whistle.
Muslim seniors in the North American context nned help and feeling of brother and sisterhood. Their personal, social and spirittual needs should be looked after not only by their families, but also by the community.